A case of Juvenile Psoriasis Vulgaris Cured with Homoeopathy

Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic, sometimes debilitating, inflammatory disorder with multiple pathways of pathogenesis that can be associated with metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Juvenile form is very acute and wearisome.

This case history shows how Homoeopathic treatment resolves the gross pathological changes in an individual with marked manifestations forming an exact portrait of signs and symptoms. The careful case taking and correct analysis of collected data leads the physician to easily recognize the remedy and the result is always miraculous.

Baby Z, Female- 6 years, Date of consultation- 18-04-2015, Reg. No. 21057

Presenting Complaints

Baby Z presented with a 1-year history of a recurrent generalized pustular eruption. There were eruptions on whole body with itching, scaling, with some painful ones. Complaints started from right hand and spreading to whole body. She suffered from fever, malaise and pain. On examination there were pustules on an erythematous basis, spreading all over the body. The pustules in some areas coalesced to form lakes. Additionally, we found scattered erythematous plaques arranged in an annular pattern on the upper limbs and the trunk. The plaques were covered with superficial pustules. Laboratory evaluation revealed an increased leukocyte count. A massive desquamation of the whole skin preceded the healing.

Clinical History

She is very intelligent, anxious about her sufferings. She is thirstless. Has offensive perspiration.

Past History

She was having recurrent history of bronchitis for last two years.

Mental Generals

  • Active
  • Intelligent
  • Anxious about her sufferings

Physical Generals

  • Thirstless
  • Lean thin built
  • Desires sweets
  • Desires Chocolate
  • Hot patient
  • Egg aggravation
  • All discharges offensive

Clinical Diagnosis

Juvenile psoriasis vulgaris

Clinical Analysis


Miasmatic Analysis

All the miasms are equally present except Sycosis which is the least.


Based on mental as well as physical generals, Staphysagria seems to be the remedy of choice as it covers all the miasms present in this case. Since Staphysagria is covering not only miasms but also mental as well as physical symptoms, 200 c is the potency of choice.


18-04-2015 Staphygria 200 one dose stat followed by placebo thrice daily.

16-05-2015 Much Better in all respects. Placebo.

29-06-2015 Much Better in all respects. Placebo.

25-07-2015 Almost cured. Placebo.

Result and Discussion

Complete cure with a single dose within a few weeks! The mental and physical generals simultaneously matched are often the key to the case. Though, Carcinosin and Sulphur were also indicated in this case, the mental generals and desire for food worked as keynote and the total miasmatic coverage by a single remedy resulted is this perfect cure. This is a true miracle only possible by Homoeopathy.


  • Chronic miasms in Homoeopathy- Dr. R. P. Patel
  • Organon of Medicine- Samuel Hahnemann- 5th and 6th ed.
  • Radar 10

Progress of the case in camera’s eyes



© Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS

Homoeo Cure Research Institute, INDIA

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