An Evidence Based Case of Uterine Fibroid Cured by Natrum Muriaticum

A case presented and submitted by Dr. Girish Gupta MD (Hom), PhD

Present Complaints:
A 40-year-old multiparous (G5 P4 A1) female patient Mrs. SD (S-14304/F-1197) reported for treatment on 5.1.20 for uterine fibroid with early (by 10-15 days), profuse, long-lasting (up to 20-25 days), clotted and painful menses since October 2019. (LMP: 2.1.20)

Initial Ultrasonography Report (25.12.2019):
Uterus is bulky, measuring 103 x 66 x 69 mm and shows a hypoechoic mixed mass of 40.4 x 41.6 mm in posterior wall of uterus.

Life Space:
Her elder sister died in 1994. She was very much attached to her and shocked due to her untimely demise. She used to visit frequently to her sister’s house to look after her nephew who was only 2-year-old at that time. Two year later in 1996 she got married to her sister’s husband under family pressure to take care of studies and upbringing of her nephew. She was in profound grief that her nephew now aged 28 years for whom she sacrificed her whole life is very careless about his career and family.

Rubrics for Repertorisation:
1. Ailments from grief, sorrow
2. Sadness
3. Ailments from suppressed anger
4. Pessimism
5. Sentimental
6. Weeping easily
7. Weeping when alone
8. Forgetfulness
9. Persistent thoughts
10. Fear of misfortune
11. Anxiety about trifles
12. Dreams frightful
13. Anticipatory anxiety 

Result of Repertorisation:


Nat mur


Calc carb







Symptoms covered





Medicine selected:

Natrum muriaticum

Justification of Prescription:

Ailments from grief


Persistent thoughts



Anxiety about trifles



Dreams frightful

Weeping easily


Anticipatory anxiety

Weeping when alone


Date-wise Follow-up:

January 5, 2020: Natrum mur. 30 single dose once a week followed by Placebo for 4 weeks. She was advised to take Sabina 30* SOS during profuse menstrual bleeding.

*Indications for Sabina: Profuse and painful menses, given only SOS

February 9, 2020: Patient better. Same prescription was repeated for 10 weeks on different visits.

April 29, 2020: Menses appeared on 19.3.20 and 28.4.20, were regular but profuse and clotted. Same prescription was repeated for another 4 weeks.

June 3, 2020: Patient better than before. Same prescription for 4 weeks.

July 6, 2020: Patient much better. Same prescription for another 8 weeks. Patient was advised to get repeat ultrasonography of pelvis done.

September 15, 2020: Ultrasonography of pelvis dated 14.9.20 revealed normal uterine myometrium.

Final Ultrasonography Report (14.9.2020):

Uterus is bulky, measuring 96 x 50 x 54 mm. Myometrium is normal

Duration of Treatment: 8 months.


This case shows the effectiveness of individualized homoeopathic medicine in the treatment of uterine fibroid prescribed on holistic basis. The message by reporting this case is to inculcate confidence in homoeopathic physicians to have firm belief in homoeopathic philosophy i.e. “Treat the person in disease”.

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