Birth Defects and Homoeopathy

The work is compiled by Dr Rajneesh Kumar Sharma, MD (Homoeopathy) and Dr Swati Vishnoi, BHMS

There are certain unpleasant surprises faced at occasions, not expected to have unhappiness, except celebrations. This article is intended to enable one to-
• Understand the prevalence of birth defects.
• Know the causes of birth defects.
• Understand chromosomal inheritance.
• Understand the inheritance of single genes.
• Define a multifactorial birth defect.
• Define teratogens and know their dangers.
A birth defect is an abnormality of structure or function in and individual, which is present since birth. The birth defect may be clinically apparent at birth, or may appear later in life. For example, a neural tube defect is a structural defect which is clear at birth while hemophilia, which is also since birth, is a functional defect and may become diagnosed in an older child. Birth defects often present as an abnormal look or failure to grow.
Congenital disorder is synonymous, means present at birth.
Malformations are the commonest form of birth defect. Congenital malformations develop during the first trimester and are caused by failure of normal development of embryo. This results in a birth defect of one or more organs. Congenital malformations occur early in pregnancy during formation of embryo. Many minor birth defects are not recognized and diagnosed.
Individual with abnormal appearance is called as dysmorphic which may resemble normal features found in a family or community.

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