Case Evidence on Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Management with Homoeopathy

Case was taken and cured by Dr. Hiralal Agarwal

Present Complaints:

  • Difficulty in chewing from the right side of the mouth.
  • Painful ulcer under the right side of tongue.
  • Salivation increased.
  • Thought to be tongue ulcer due to sharp upper teeth thus teeth removed, no change.

Past history:

  • K/C/O Retinitis Pigmentosa for the past 40 years.
  • K/C/O DM type 2 last 3 years on treatment & controlled.
  • Chronic beedi smoker, 20-25 /day last 50 years.
  • Tea totaler.

Treatment history:

Glychiphage 500mg BD. (For Diabetes)

Family history:

  • F/H of DM type 2 in younger brother & elder sister.

Life Space:

He had left his native town and family at a very young age. Later in life, his two sons-in-law passed away, so he had to bear the responsibility of 2 daughters and grandchildren. As a patient of retinitis pigmentosa, he had a severe vision deficiency, but he could still manage his livelihood in a small grocery shop. His wife was also entirely dependent due to severe bilateral osteoarthritis. Thus, he had a lot of anxiety about the future and money matters.

Rubrics for Repertorisation:

Sn. Rubrics Sn. Rubrics
1. Ailments from grief. 6. Ailments from family discords
2. Anxiety about future 7. Forsaken feeling
3. Anxiety about money 8. Agg. Warm
4. Suppression of emotions 9. Introverted
5. Sadness

Repertorisation table:


Result of Repertorisation:

Remedies Nat. Mur Ign Mag C. Phos Aur. Calc. Carb
Totality 17 14 10 16 13 12
Symptoms Covered 8/9 8/9 8/9 7/9 7/9 7/9

Medicine selected:

Aurum Metallicum


Hekla Lava

Justification of Prescription:

Though Aurum Met was 5th on the list in the repertory chart yet, it was selected because the patient also had degenerative/destructive pathology of retinitis pigmentosa and cancer. 

Symphytum was selected because it has been proved as a very good bone-healer and bone-setter. 

Hekla Lava proving shows marked action on tumours in general, and in particular upon the jaws. It is of great use in exostosis, gum abscess, nodosities, rachitis, bone necrosis, caries of bone, osteitis, periostitis and osteosarcoma. RIGHT SIDE has been more predominantly affected. 

In the clinical studies of Hecla Lava done by Dr Mohinder Singh Jus in Germany, mental depression was also covered by this remedy. The mental-emotional stability and the local pathology are very stable except for increased salivation, especially at night and many times bloody.

First Consultation:

October 22, 2016: Aurum Met 200 three doses in a day was given followed by Symphytum 30 three times a day for 2 weeks alternating with placebo three times a day for 2 weeks. Hekla Lava 3X 1 tablet three times a day for 4 weeks.

Blood Report:

Hb 13.9 WBC 8300 N-63, L-33. E-03, M-01. BSL 94 (F)

Follow-up Summary:

November 22, 2016: Seen by the oncologist on November 19 2016. Vitals were normal. 4 x 4 cm ulcero infiltrative growth in the right lower alveolus involving FOM. Ib II nodes were positive. Local pain was much better, and he was able to masticate food well. No cervical or sub-mandibular or sub-mental nodes were felt. Mentally and emotionally felt stable. The same prescription was repeated for 4 weeks.

Further monthly follow-ups were done wherein the patient was primarily stable locally as well as mentally and emotionally. Whenever there were bouts of mental or emotional relapse due to the family discords, Aurum Met 200 3 doses in a day was repeated. Otherwise, Symphytum 30 three times a day and placebo three times a day on alternate days were continued, followed by Hekla Lava 3X 1 tablet three times a day for 4 weeks. In addition, he was assessed every 3 months by the oncologist to check his general condition.

In between, when there was excess salivation and many-a-times bloody was given Merc. Sol 6C three times a day for 5-7 days. When these complaints were not there, the above prescription of Hekla Lava and Symphytum was repeated.

November 17, 2017: General and local ulcer status same but submandibular and submental nodes, felt. Aurum Met 200 3 doses in a day were repeated and Calc. Flour 30, along with Hekla Lava, was given for 4 weeks. Here Symphytum was kept on hold.  

In general, the patient was doing well, and his blood sugar was reasonably under control with the allopathic medication. There was no increase in the anti-diabetic medicines. The same regime of Symphytum and Hekla Lava was continued up to August 20 2020.

He was admitted in hospital for acute retention of urine. On investigations, he was diagnosed to have benign enlargement of prostrate thus, was catheterized. He passed was on October 16th 2020 due to heart attack.

The following are the scan reports and snaps of the local lesion:


This case shows the effectiveness of a pathological remedy in conjunction with the individualised remedy, i.e. the effectiveness of Symphytum regarding the bone growth and the role of Hekla Lava to control and arrest the disease process in situ.

The role of Aurum metallicum was to synchronise and balance the mental-emotional axis so that the person was able to fight with such a grave disease without any metastasis. As a result, the quality of life during these four years was very comfortable and normal. The patient was able to conduct his daily chores and activities normally.

Finally, in treating this Emperor of Disease-Cancer, the message worth conveying is that we homeopaths need to learn and understand various strategies and the role of bio-chemics and mother-tinctures with specific importance to rubrics in the repertory with single remedies.

Through personal experience and understanding, I have found the following strategies critical in treating various cases of different cancer stages:

1) Considering the totality of symptoms.

2) Accounting for PQRS symptoms.

3) Causative Factor.

4) Characteristics symptoms of the prevailing pathology.

References: –

1) A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke,M.D.

2) Squire’s Companion to B.P. 6th ed. by Peter Squire.

3) Thoughts on Hekla Lava by Garth Wilkinson and Vermeulen.

4) The Rhythm of Volcano by Mohammed Aleem.

5) The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, M.D

6) Characteristics of the Homeoapthic Materia Medica by M.E Douglass.

7) Hekla Lava Similia No 35 Homeopathic Proving, 2000, Dr Mohinder Singh Jus

8) Homeopathic Proving of Hekla Lava, 2003, Dr. B.K Bose Foundation.

About Author

Dr. Hiralal Agarwal, L.C.E.H, Diplomate I.A.C.H Greece, Chief Consultant Physician at SHREERAM HOMEOPTHIC CLINIC AND RESEARCH CENTRE, India.

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