Published in The Hahnemannin Homoeopathic Sandesh, Issue II, Volume II, 26th November 2023

This was a case of a 39 years old woman whom I saw in 2010, with depressed facial expression.

Height and Weight: 5ft 5″, 200lb, Fair & Obese

Abstract: Infertility is the medical term for when you can’t get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year, for most couples.

Infertility affects men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB) and women and people assigned female (AFAB) at birth equally. Infertility is very common. In the United States, 1 in 5 women between 15 and 49 years old struggle with primary infertility and about 1 in 20 women struggle with secondary infertility. Approximately 48 million couples live with infertility around the world.

Types of infertility include:

•Primary infertility: You’ve never been pregnant and can’t conceive after one year (or six months if you’re 35 or older) of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse.

•Secondary infertility: You can’t get pregnant again after having at least one successful pregnancy.

•Unexplained infertility: Fertility testing hasn’t found a reason that a person or couple is unable to get pregnant.

Presenting Symptoms

Chief complaint is unable to conceive, with high desire for a baby.

Tried all modes of treatment for 5-6 years with no result.

Also In-vitro fertilization treatment thrice in 2 years.

Loves to do Excercise & dance

Putting on weight

Seeing other friends  having a baby makes her overwhelmingly depressed as nothing was working for her.

She moved to United states 10yrs back since then has sensation of not feeling at home, wanted to reconnect with home.

She feels like she is stuck here in a  different country, and feels insecure and not having a baby makes her feel bad, a sensation of feeling trapped & longing to be free.

Very organized, perfectionist & disciplined

Has lower back pain during menses.

Headache when thinking about not having baby

Past History

As a child felt rejected by mother who is overcontrolling.

Frequent attacks of cold and diarrhoea

Physical Generals

  • Thermal: Towards chilly but sometimes she feels very hot.
  • Appetite:Good
  • Thirst: Thirsty all the time.
  • Tongue: Cracked tongue.
  •  Desires Lettuce, sweet and salty things
  • Aversion to Fish, Salmon
  • Sleep: Sleepiness all the time. Not refreshing.
  • Sweating: She used to feel like sweating but never experiences palpable sweat.
  • Urine: NAD
  • Skin: Pale, yellowish complexion. Acne scars on face.

Menstrual History:

Menarche at age 16. Irregular. Sometimes delayed 2-3 months.Flow 4-5 days.

Leucorrhea, offensive vaginal discharge after menses

Obstetric history: Nil

Mental Generals:

Dreams of water, or drowned by floods.

Dreams of snakes all around.

Dreams of wedding, rings are shared

Desire to travel, walks very fast, love to walk long distances from starting point to end point where she likes making circles while walking.

From childhood quarrels with mother using a lot of “F” words.

Depression from repeated failure of IVF.

Loves animals

Aversion to company

Family History:

Mother also had PCOS symptoms. Father Diabetic

Case Analysis & Rubrics selection:

Desire to dancing


Desire to go home

Aversion to company

Dreams of snakes,water,flood,wedding

Love animals

Back pain during menses

Headache aggravated by thinking of it

Leucorrhoea offensive menses after

Desire traveling

Desire sweets and salty

Aversion to fish salmon

Cracks fissures tongue

Repertorization using Zomeo Software

Rubrics considered for this case are:

[Mind]Dancing, behavior:Desire, to:(…)

[Mind]Perfectionist, general, (see Fastidious):(7)


[Mind]Home:Go, desire to:(73)

[Mind]Company:Aversion to:(408)



[Mind]Dreams:Water:Flood, of a:(51)


[Mind]Love:Animals, for:(41)

[Menstruation and Discharges]During menses:Backache:(6)

[Head]Pain, headache:Thinking of pain:Agg.:(32)

[Female Genitalia]Leucorrhea:Offensive: Menses:After:(6)

[Mind]Travelling, general:Desire, to:(41)

[Generalities]Food and drinks:Salt or salty food:Desires:Sweets, and:(…)

[Generalities]Food and drinks:Fish:Aversion:(37)

[Generalities]Food and drinks:Salmon:Aversion:(1)

[Mouth]Cracks, fissures:Tongue:(132)


Rubrics being covered by Sepia in this case include:

[Mind]Dancing, behavior:Desire, to:+2


[Mind]Company:Aversion to:+3

[Mind]Travelling, general:Desire, to:+1

[Mind]Love:Animals, for:+1

[Mind]Dreams:Snakes: +1

[Mind]Dreams:Water: +1

[Menstruation and Discharges]During menses:Backache:+1

Themes of the animal kingdom are more in this client. Based on the repertorization Sepia seemed to be the best remedy as it covered all the characteristic symptoms of the case.

Remedy & Potency

Gave Sepia 1m, 3 doses for one day once a month . Repeated for 3 months

First Follow up after 3 months

Doing good not yet Conceived but was Very happy and positive. Gave Sepia 10m 3 doses. Gave Folliculinum 30 as intercurrent remedy 3 doses once a month. Pink 12 given daily alternated with Orange 12 c.

Second Follow up after 6 months

Since the patient was not conceiving but had improvement overall, I thought of trying a different remedy,  Salmon.

In 2008 I got the opportunity to join Jeremy Sherr’s course on Nobel gases and Onchorynchus Tschawythscha (Salmon), so I was very curious to give Salmon as it was covering most of the symptoms shown by the patient.

Confirmatory rubrics of Onc-t :

Mind Dancing: +1

Mind Home , desires to go : +2

Mind Company, aversion to: +1

Dreams Snakes: +1

Dreams Water: +2

Dream Floods: +1

Dream Wedding: +1

Mind Animals, love for animals: +1

Mind Travelling, desire for: +2

Generalities, Food and drinks: Salmon, Aversion: (1)

Month cracked, tongue fissured:+1

After Repertorization and Remedy Confirmation

Gave Onchorynchus Tschawythscha (Salmon) 200c TDS for one day once a month and told to repeat monthly. Since they were going to India, they were provided enough remedies to carry with them and every month follow up was scheduled through phone call. She was also given Pink 12c, Orange 30c & Sound D every other week for a couple of months.

In Complete repertory Mind,Grief, Sterility, from only one remedy listed that was Onc-T

References American Homeopath 2000 About remedy Chinook Salmon: Prepared using eggs, sperm and blood  Proved by Dynamis School, Jeremy Sherr, F

    Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, proved by my students in The Dynamis School, was made from a wild Chinook salmon using eggs, sperm and blood. The remedy embodies the whole cycle of life. The wild salmon circles thousands of miles of ocean to return to the river of its birth. There, it spawns another generation before it dies. The salmon’s trip upstream is a struggle to overcome obstacles and requires extreme muscle control and strength.

Provers experienced deep, intense grief and sadness, not knowing where they were going but longing and searching for a home. Conversely, they felt trapped in the house, desired to walk for miles and wanted to travel great distances.

    There was yearning for a soulmate, for finding true love and great disappointment for lost love. Control is a big issue in the remedy, either loss of control or overcontrol, especially a mother’s tendency to control her children.

    Having babies is a dominant feature of Oncorhynchus with many symptoms related to conception, infertility and high sexual energy. Water figures prominently in the proving in many physical symptoms and dreams. Interestingly, all sorts of floods occurred in the provers’ houses as sinks, toilets and tubs overflowed.

    Rings are present in the proving, in dreams and as jewelry, symbolizing both the theme of weddings and the circular motion of the salmon’s life journey. Additionally, provers showed great sympathy for animals.

As per Jeremy Sherr Notes: ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA (PACIFIC SALMON) THEMES that matches with the symptoms of the patient.














Follow up after 10 months

She was able to conceive.

After 9 months of healthy pregnancy and normal delivery was blessed with a baby boy.  Both mother and child were doing good.

Differential Diagnosis remedies


It is one of the good remedy for Infertility,here in this case patient had traumatic childhood due to over controlling mother so had suppressed anger insecurity and low self esteem in childhood repressed and presented through multiple dreams along with her irregular menses,depressed sulky nature ,perfectionist nature pointing towards sepia hence was given as a constitutional which did not work.

Natrum Muriaticum

Desire to dance, Perfectionist, desire to go home, aversion to company, dreams of water, love for animals, aversion to fish, cracks on tongue were covered.

It is also one of the best remedy for infertility,very depressed ,melancholic,sad, reserved ,want to be alone, aversion to company ,suppressed grief, perfectionist, fastidious,weepy on small matters, want sympathy but consolation aggravate the symptoms,she thinks she is being pitied by others for her misfortune and gets hurted.Recollect past unpleasant memories and dwells on them after getting hurt in relationship patient develops fear for getting attached with someone.


Symptoms that are covered are fastidious, desire to go home, dreams of water, love for animals, aversion to fish. Cracks on tongue.

One of the best remedy for female problems like PCOD , infertility. In these patients changeable nature is very marked , patient is very irritable , touchy, mild gentle, easily irritated, sadness weeping ,despair despondent, desire for open air .

This remedy is very useful in regulating the menses , in cases of amenorrhoea it helps to establish the flow, leucorrhoea and other abnormal vaginal discharges also can be successfully treated with this medicine, this also frequently use in cases of PMS, dysmenorrhoea, during pregnancy.


This remedy can be considered as intercurrent if there was no improvement. Symptoms that are covered are desire to dance, perfectionism desire to go home, aversion to company. Desire to travel. Dreams of snakes, dreams of water, dreams of weddings and love for animals.

Kali Carb:

Backache during menses, being perfectionist aversion to company, dreams of snakes, dreams of water, cracks on tongue are covered

Color & Sound remedies:

Color remedies work on the energetic or Etheric Body that holds each Chakra.

Sound remedies address the mental level  or Astral Body.

They have organ affinities, act on glandular systems.

They stimulate the physical organs and ductless glands associated with each chakra. They energize the field, open & balance so energy flows freely throughout our system.

Pink remedy acts on Heart chakra. Acts on Thymus gland. Motherly nature.

Color Pink: It acts on Heart Chakra, deals with issues of Peace, love & joy

Feelings of love are weakened by grief, Disappointments, Loss & Separation

Relieve stress. Element: Air

Color Orange: It acts on Sacral Chakra, Sound D and deals with issues of Abundance, Pleasure, Peace & Wisdom

Acts on Endocrine Glands – Ovaries, Testicles

Given to people who are depressed. Element: Water

Sound remedies were made using Tuning forks in the vibration of the musical notes to pure water in a crystal bowl.

Preparation and application of remedies are based on homeopathic principle.

Conclusion: Based on holistic approach, even rarely used remedies when given on correct Similimum, give positive results, as seen in this case.


American Homeopath 2000 About remedy Chinook Salmon by dynamis school /Jeremy Sherr

Healing and Health with Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies, by Ambika Wauters

About Author:

Dr Kavitha Kukunoor graduated with BHMS in 1995  and moved to the United States in 1998, she got nationally board certified by the Council for Homeopathic certification as CCH.  She is a registered member of North American Society of Homeopaths as RSHom(NA) and Certified HP Supervisor in Homeoprophylaxis.She is President & CEO – Kavitha Holistic Approach and Founder & Director of KHA Homeopathy Study Group – Pro Bono. She received many awards to name few prestigious North America Homeopathic Award – “Martha Oelman Community Service award 2021” from national center for homeopathy (NCH), USA. “Best Entrepreneur Award” in 2021 , Legendary Homeopath Award 2022, Women of the Year 2023 etc.  She is ACHENA Accredited CPD Provider and Author of two books- “Beyond the limits – A challenge to prove oneself” & “A Dose of Spirituality with Kavitha”.

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