Author of the Article is Dr YASHIKA ARORA MALHOTRA, BHMS, MD


Homoeopathy, since its inception, has been helping in the treatment of cancer patients, the time has come when we should postulate the methodology of treatment and evaluate it rigorously for substantiating its effect and outcomes. According to homoeopathic concept of disease, cell proliferation is consequent to implantation of triggering factors(seeds), i.e. autotoxins, endotoxins & exotoxins in the susceptible soil, i.e. miasmatic susceptibility/ hereditary factors in the presence of favorable environmental conditions. As we have a very limited knowledge of Materia medica, the changing pattern of the disease itself brings a challenge for the physician.

Keywords – Cancer, Homeopathy.

Abbreviations – Ca- Cancer, OCP- oral contraceptive pills, HRT- Hormone replacement therapy.


While approaching a case, one should start to look for a chronology of events like when and how did it started, what were the first symptoms, what are the characteristics in those symptoms, also look at the direction in which the symptoms move – which side did it started, did it move or localized, aim is to elicit the exact symptoms and look for causative factors. With each symptom, location, sensation, modalities and concomitant are critical to complete the symptom and to aid in prescribing an accurate remedy. While investigating each symptom, explore it in depth until a peculiar characteristic is obtained. At each level of the case, choose the symptoms that are factually reliable & dependable. Once you get a good grasp of these symptoms, a few remedies are short listed & then one can confirm among one of these very remedies. Observation, physical generals & clinical examination also help in confirming and selecting the final remedy. Family & personal history should be investigated during case taking as this aid in prescribing. So, in a nut-shell, after taking the case, a solid foundation should be built up on pathology, toxicology and mind symptom.

Homoeopathic Management

Homoeopathic remedies which may be useful in different stages of cancer:

During chemotherapy:

Althea officinalis¹: –

• Can be termed as “Best friend” during chemotherapy.

• Inflexible, narrow minded, emotionally rigid or unfeeling, hard hearted, insensitive, unsympathetic.

• Lips red; tongue red, glazed, burnished, horizontal cracks with coating.

• Swollen hard indurated glands.

• Dry cough, constipation, systemic dryness.

• Arthritis, high BP, hematuria, hemorrhoids.

Astragalus membranous²: –

• Effective in stimulating hemopoietic factors and interleukin production. It potentiates the activity of chemotherapeutic agents, inhibit recurrence of malignancies, prolongs survival, reduces adverse toxicity of radiotherapy & anti neoplastic agent, mitomycin, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide and 5- fluorouracil.

• Diarrhea, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, lack of appetite, frequent cold shortness of breath, wasting disorder. Chronic ulceration and sore, numbness & paralysis of limbs, edema.

Arsenic iod³: –

• Breast cancer ulcerated stage.

• H/o tuberculosis, with psoriasis.

• Metastasis to neck, chest.

• Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Scrophularia nodosa³: –

• As an intercurrent in hodgkin’s disease.

• Cases of breast tumors.

• h/o ring worm or skin eruptions.

• Family history of tuberculosis.

• Testicular cancer.

• Cannot stand weakness.

• Hard swellings.

• Extreme drowsiness in end stages.

Estrogen²: –

• Osteosarcoma.

• Directly regulates osteoblast and increase the synthesis of type 1 collagen, osteocalcin, osteopontin, osteonectin.

• It increases osteocyte survival by inhibiting apoptosis.

• It decreases the number of osteoclasts.

• Trophic effects: –

 Ca breast.

 Altered cognition.

 Changes in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

 Gall bladder disease, migraine.

 To produce tumor of bone, testis, kidney uterus and breast.

 History of using OCP, HRT.

• Estrogen Receptor positive ; increased cholesterol.

Asterias rubens³: –

• Left breast malignancy with lymph gland obstruction.

• Lancinating pain in breast, especially left breast, sensation as if being pulled inwards.

• Cancer breast of schizophrenics—answers to delusion, hears voices, under control of stranger.

• < night, damp weather.

• Multiple scelorosis.

Cistus Canadensis³: –

• Non-hodgkin’s lymphoma.

• Stony hard swelling, tumors.

• Chilly patient.

Cadmium sulph³,⁴: –

• Gastric cancers.

• Symptoms like Arsenic but no restlessness. Chilly pt.

• Vomiting, weakness, very exhausted.

Aconitum lycotonum³,⁴: –

• Hodgkin’s disease.

• Desire –fruits, delicacies. cabbage.

• Aversion—milk.

• Aggravation– pork, onion, wine.

• diarrhea-pork after.

• Sleepiness.

Let’s differentiate a few remedies useful in cancer with a case example of carcinoma of tongue, explained through various marked symptoms which may be present in the patient:

Castoreum³,⁴: –

• Carcinoma of tongue,

• Yawning persistent,

• Respiration difficult> lying on left side.

Aurum mur³,⁴: –

• H/o repeated stomatitis,

• Dry tongue,

• Depressed,

• Constipation.

Sempervium tectorium³,⁴: –

• Ulceration of tongue, bleeding,

• < night,

• lacking muco-cutaneous ulceration.

Gallium aprine³: –

• Carcinoma of tongue with kidney disease / neurofibroma,

• Nodulated tumors,

• Enlarged lymph glands,

• Chilly.

Castor equi³: –

• Paget disease,

• Ulceration of nipples leading to malignancy,

• Wart on forehead,

• Desire for tobacco.

Carbo animalis³,⁴: –

• Runny nose is a concomitant symptom,

• Cannot lie on right side it aggravates cough,

• Tremendous weakness, slowness, dullness,

• Avoids company, depressed,

• < after shaving.

Importance of past history

Parotidinum6: –

• H/o mumps.

• In case of breast, pancreas, ovary, testicular malignancy.

• Carcinoma of head of pancreas.

• Industrious, cheerful.

Bacillinum6: –

• Bladder Ca + H/o TB in personal or family.

Streptococcin6: –

• H/o recurrent tonsillitis, boils, abscess.

• Osteosarcoma,

• Spindle cell carcinoma.

Importance of family history

Carcinosin8: –

 H/o cancer in family.

 H/o tuberculosis, diabetes.

 H/o recurrent attacks of bronchitis, pneumonia, measles, whopping cough, tonsillitis, chicken pox, or nay infectious disease or absence of any infectious disease in childhood.

 H/o insomnia.

 Fastidious.

 Enjoys rainy season.

 Wants travelling.

 Marked sensitivity to rhythm, love for dancing or sensitivity of music.

Tuberculinum6,7: –

 Acts primarily on immune system.

 Susceptible to take cold with autoimmune disease.

 Red lips.

 Perspiration on nose.

 Constipation.


Cancer, a systemic disease, is an acute exacerbation of a chronic disease condition lurking inside the system & has started may be a decade ago. Curing cancer with a single remedy & single dose may not probably be possible, one needs multiple remedies layer wise & multiple hammering of doses.


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