Let me help you find the perfect health for your happy life.

Private Request for Consultation : Your initial visit includes (consultation fee & remedies) covers the one – two hour in-depth consultation and the first month of all necessary support. I will help you go to a level where you connect your physical sensations with your mental and emotional experiences so that a homeopathic remedy can be selected that will bring you into balance, reduce significantly the intensity and frequency of your pains and makes you feel better overall. I use latest and highly valuable homeopathic softwares like “Vital Quest” (Developed by Dr.Rajan Sankaran, Dr.Paresh Vasani and his team) and the software “MacRepertory with Reference works” (created by David Warkentin) & Zomeo Ultimate by Dr Jawahar Shah, Chairman of Mind Technologies Private Ltd & Firefly in my practice.
For more details email (or) call the office.
Private Request for Consultation (Phone/zoom video /facetime only) is by appointment.
In person appointments also available up on special request.
After your initial consultation, a small follow up fee is all you will pay for every and all visits, phone and email consultations.
Consultation is available for getting expertise information from homeopathic perspective for several disorders of children and adults.
Below are forms for New Client:
Download here New Client Adult Case Record
Download here New Client Child Case Record
Download here Client Consent Form
Send filled Case Record & Consent forms to or fax them to 248-779-1743
Disclaimer : Kavitha Kukunoor is only a professional, registered and certified homeopathic practitioner and NOT a licensed medical provider in USA. She doesn’t treat or diagnose or prescribe for any medical conditions in USA. Her homeopathic practise is not considered as treatment for replacement of any healthcare provider in USA. She is helping clients to boost their immunity and constitutional vitality through safe and natural healing homeopathic remedies which can bring harmony and balance in their life at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Note: What ever information provided in this form, it is considered as absolutely confidential.
Payment Information
The payment can be made by PayPal, click below button to pay consultation fee-
If you don’t have PayPal account, don’t worry please call office to pay by credit card or check.
Note: Kavitha Holistic Approach don’t sell remedies but a client can request to include free remedies in the consultation fee.