Evidence-based Research of Homeopathy in Dermatology by Dr Girish Gupta, published in Hpathy – Reviewed by Kavitha Kukunoor, Regina Rianelli, Deepa Rajenimbalkar

http://Evidence-based Research of Homeopathy in Dermatology by Dr Girish Gupta, published in Hpathy –

Reviewed by Kavitha Kukunoor, Regina Rianelli, Deepa Rajenimbalkar

Evidence-based Research of Homeopathy in Dermatology by Dr Girish Gupta – Reviewed by Kavitha Kukunoor, Regina Rianelli, Deepa Rajenimbalkar

January 18, 20211 Commentby Kavitha Kukunoor, Regina Rianelli

Evidence Based Research of Homeopathy in Dermatology by Dr. Girish Gupta is reviewed by Kavitha Kukunoor, Regina Rianelli, Deepa Rajenimbalkar

I am so honored to do a review of the book “Evidence – based Research of Homeopathy in Dermatology” authored by Dr Girish Gupta who is a world- renowned homeopathic practitioner at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Along with me, Prof Regina from Brazil, is also here.

Many congratulations to Dr Gupta for giving this valuable gift to the homeopathic fraternity and humanity. This book is one of the best I’ve ever read in dermatology. It was released by Dr Girish Gupta grandson, Master Garvish Gupta on his first birthday during the pandemic crisis.

Dr. Girish Gupta and Grandson Garvish

Publisher: Gaurang Clinic and Centre For Homoeopathic Research

Number of pages: 202 pages Soft Cover

Price: INR 1200 USD 50, EUR 45

Purchase from: https://gcchr.com/publications/dermatology/

The cover page is a beautiful Olive green with a picture of Dr Gupta at his office on the back of the book. The book was dedicated to Dr Chandra Prakash Goel. Dr Gupta has skillfully combined research work, published papers, diagnostic details and treatment protocols.

The foreword is by Prof Dr. Chaturbhuja Nayak, President and Chairman, Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Committee, Former Director General of CCRH, Govt of India.

Table of contents:

Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Alopecia areata, Lichen Planus, Wart, Molluscum Contagiosum, Mycosis of nai, Publications & photo gallery.

Vitiligo: Here we find photographic, evidence-based studies of five cases, sowing the role of homeopathic medicines in vitiligo. It includes background, abstract, introduction, causes, classification, objectives, materials and methods, demographics, model cases, with detailed case taking, chief complaints, case analysis, well-chosen rubrics for repertorization, result of repertorization, remedy selection, dosage and detailed follow-ups with illustrations of before and after pictures, with pie diagrams of several model cases and finally a discussion.

Response in each case was achieved by a single remedy with infrequent repetition. The second dose was repeated only after the action of the first dose was ceased. The cases also followed Hering’s law of cure. If a case didn’t improve with a particular remedy, then the case was reviewed and a more suitable one was selected which evoked a response. No diet restrictions of any type were imposed.

Psoriasis: Six model cases are discussed. Selection of medicine was done on the basis of repertorial analysis i.e., Kent’s method and then framing the totality of symptoms based on the constitution of the patient which indicated the individuality.

The patient was advised a good lifestyle and balanced diet. Psychological factors also contribute to causation of disease.

Alopecia areata: Six model cases discussed. Every case was repertorised with ‘Hompath Classic’ software in order to select the simillimum.

Lichen planus: Three model cases are discussed. Most of the patients had already taken a lot of patent medicines and applied a variety of steroid based ointments without any considerable relief. The only respite to such cases could be homoeopathy.

Warts: Four model cases are discussed. Merely removal of a wart by cauterization is not the complete treatment, and it leaves the scar and recurrence is quite common. Homoeopathic treatment with constitutional medicine annihilates the lesion without leaving any footprint of disease and chances of recurrence are nil or minimal.

Molluscum Contagiosum: Six model cases are discussed. The main parameter of assessment was clinical and visual i.e photography. Cases were treated successfully on constitutional basis.

Mycoses of nail: Seven model cases are discussed. All cases of mycoses of nail were repertorised using ‘Hompath Classic’ software. An indigenous software was developed by a computer programmer to assess the percent response in patients of mycoses of nail after homoeopathic treatment.

General prevention measures are discussed like proper hygiene and regular inspection of feet and toes as the first line of defense. The recurrence rate after homoeopathic treatment is nil or very less in comparison to the treatment through other systems of medicine.

This book is highly recommended for teachers, students, clinicians, researchers. It has seven chapters and a list of 90 Publications. It provides excellent ocumentation and fills all the gaps which are needed for evidence-based research in a variety of topics.

Every small detail has been documented starting from case history, repertorisation, differentiation of medicines with logical reasons for selection of remedy and date of follow-ups as well as sequential photographic evidence.

The author has also proved that one should not leave the ground principles laid down by Dr. Hahnemann. Treating skin diseases involves treating the person in the disease and not just the disease in the person.

This past September we did a KHA webinar interview with Dr. Girish Gupta about evidence-based homeopathy with best cases. You can see that here: https://youtu.be/-RLesiDaT-E


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About the author Kavitha Kukunoor Kavitha Kukunoor 

Dr. Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RS Hom (NA), BHMS is a classical homeopath, practicing homeopathy since 1996. She lives with her husband and two sons in Novi, Michigan, where her practise includes mostly online / phone consultations. She is President & CEO of Kavitha Holistic Approach, Founder & Director of KHA homeopathy study group. www.kavithakhomeo.com She can be reached at kkukunoor@gmail.com or at her website www.kavithakhomeo.com. She is author of the book “Beyond The Limits.

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