Frequently Asked Questions - (FAQ's)
Right from my childhood, I had a passion to become a doctor or do something in a medical field when I grew up. My grandfather was a Registered Medical Practitioner(RMP), who used to practice Homeopathy and Ayurveda, the science of plant medicine. In 1990, while I was studying for my 12th grade, which is called ‘Intermediate’ in India, I took EAMCET exam (Engineering and Medical Common Entrance Test). I just missed a seat in a medical school, but based on my score in EAMCET, I got an admission in JSPS Government Homeopathic Medical College, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad, to study for the graduate a degree, BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery). At homeopathic college, my physiology professor was DR. MNR who was initially a medical doctor, studied Ayurveda and finally settled in the field of homeopathy, as a professor and practitioner. The way he explained the subjects allopathy and homeopathy was amazing. That totally changed my life and I realised that I was brought to a right place and I am on the right track. I could see my destination clearly. This is what I wanted to achieve in my life. It is funny that when I was a child, I used to get frequent tonsillitis, for which I was given Penicillin injection. I was scared of injections, and I thought then, in future, I should become a doctor, who does not need to give injections to patients.
I like homeopathy because it is based on principle “Law of similars” (Similia Similibus Curanter) which is nature’s law. It is a scientific medicine and thoroughly proved on healthy human beings. I like homeopathic concept of disease as dynamic and to treat disease even homeopathic medicines are also prepared in dynamic way, thus it removes inner weakness (or susceptibilities) of a person , increase the patient immunity and finally restores sick to health permanently.
I was influenced by my professors late Dr. Tirupamiah, Dr. K.G.K Sastry, Dr.N.S. Prashant, Dr. Janardhan Reddy, and Dr. Ramakrihna Reddy etc. During my professional practice I was greatly influenced by Dr. Rajan Sankaran , Karen Allen & Dr.Luc De Schepper in relation to advanced homeopathy
I follow Dr.Rajan Sankaran’s principles, incorporating the latest techniques of “Sensation method”. Dr.Sankaran in the process of case taking goes deep in to patient i.e at sensational or source level and matches that to a element of plant, animal or mineral or imponderable or any natural source which is most similimum to the patient. Thus restoring the patient to health to greatest extent at all levels like physical, mental and emotional level.
I follow Dr. Hahnemann principles as mentioned in Organon of Medicine 5th & 6th Edition.
Allopathy was known several years before to Homeopathy and the drugs/medicines were thoroughly proved especially on animals e.g mice/rabbits and the biological, chemical, enzymatic or other minute laboratory findings were thoroughly captured and specifically indicated to fight against specific disease condition that means which produce opposite effects. E.g Specific antibiotic for specific pathogen and specific to disease diagnosis.
Suppose If you expose 10 people to Mycobacterium Tuberculus all 10 people does not get Tuberculosis only people who are susceptible / prone to will get Tuberculosis and the rest may or may not be affected. So it is something which make the person less resistence and get sick to bacterium. It is the person at mental or functional level (disease per se) which is first affected before to his parts. What we see as disease diagnosis is ultimates of disease and not actual disease.
Homeopathy was founded by Allopathic doctor Dr.Samuel Hahnemann 200 yrs back. He founded Homeopathy because diseases are recurring inspite of giving well indicated medicines (Allopathic prescription e.g Antibiotics) and also disease progress from one organ to another. It took him several years to understand and come to conclusion to concept of diseases, Concept of health and finally concept of dynamic remedies. After lot of research he came to know that disease is dynamic and not just based on mere pathogen which we see under microscope.
Homeopathic drugs are proved on healthy human beings of all ages, on both sexes and thoroughly tested on several persons and recorded in to Homeopathic pharmacopeia and are administered based on homeopathic principle to sick individual if they match the symptoms of the proved drugs.
Homeopathic system of medicine individualizes the patient and also individualizes the homeopathic medicine. It means treat the patient and not just the disease, so we try to get all the unique distinguishing features of a patient suffering with a disorder which usually not requested by a medical doctor for diagnosis.
Say for example a person who is suffering with migraine from the point of medical doctor he has 5-7 medicines so he tries to pick one among them and prescribes to all patients suffering with migraine, where as in Homeopathy there are 30-50 medicines which are indicated for migraine so a Homeopath tries to individualize the migraine patient in order to select most similar or similimum to the patient. That means one patient suffering with migraine may feel better by applying pressure to head and other migraine patient gets worse by any kind of pressure so two different medicines needs to be selected for two different patients, this is what individualization in homeopathy means. What patient seems to be unimportant symptom or sensation is most important from homeopathic standpoint as it is just related to that patient and it is unique.
Homeopathic medicines are derived from Four major sources they are
1. Plant Kingdom e.g Arnica, Ruta, Pulsatilla etc
2. Animal Kingdom e.g Lachesis, Lac caninum etc
3. Mineral Kingdom e.g Arsenicum Album, Phosphorus etc
4. Nosodes e.g Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum etc.
Other sources of Homeopathic remedies include imponderabilia e.g sol – sunrays, luna – moon rays, from Sarcodes (healthy tissue), Tautopathic (Allopathic) medicines etc.
Homeopathic dynamization is a process where homeopathic medicinal power is increased by diluting it either with milk of sugar/lactose or alcohol and giving succussions.
Homeopathic Potency denotes the power of homeopathic medicine (X – decimal, C- Centicimal, M – Millesimal, LM – fifty millessimal & CM – 100 th Millessimal). If you consider homeopathic medicine 1X it means 1 part of medicine and 9 parts of inert substance (pure alcohol (or) lactose) and what 2 X contains is 1 part of 1X and 9 parts of inert substance and it goes on. To understand homeopathic medicine 1C it means 1 part of medicine and 99 parts of inert substance. The quantity of medicine in 2C is 1 part of 1C and 99 parts of inert substance and goes on.
Like that we have 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 50M (1:50,000) or LM potencies.
The base/original medicine for making all potencies is Q – Mother tincture.
So the homeopathic medicinal quantity will be less or nil as the potency of homeopathic medicine increases and its energetic action will be more on dynamic level and affects at mental, spiritual and physical levels.
Homeopathy is becoming more popular all over the world. More provings of new remedies were added and advanced/sophisticated techniques to simply case taking and remedy selection.
The following websites are of great value – which have a Directory of Homeopaths and lot more information.
• National Center for Homeopathy (NCH)
• North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
• Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC)
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