Homoeopathic Healing with Realm of Imponderables

Presented by:

Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RSHom(NA), CHP, BHMS


Color & Sound remedies work at a physical, emotional and mental level to heal the physical body, stabilize the emotions and provide mental clarity. They are based on each Chakra Vibrational affinity to a particular color and note of the musical sound. They carry the quintessential energetic vibration of each Chakra & help release congested and stagnant energy blocking the Chakra. Color remedies work on the energy body or Etheric Body that holds Chakra.

Sound remedies address the mental level or Astral Body. They have organ affinity, act on glandular system. They stimulate the physical organs and ductless glands associated with each Chakra so energy flows.

Dr. Kukunoor will share more than twelve related cases from people suffering with asthma, PCOS, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, ADD, depression, varicose veins, infertility, insomnia, migraine and more! She also provides insights on Qi Gong sound remedies made from toning ancient Qi Gong sounds aligning with the five elements, Australian Bush essences, Yoga, meditation & Organon of philosophy to balance emotional & mental disorders etc.

To know more about JAHC visit https://kavithakhomeo.com/jahc-2023-conference/

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