Life is multifarious, multi-dimensional and prodigious.

The greatest mystery of life is life itself.

Life is not only born; it multiplies ad infinitum. Life remains constant though the processes vary and change from one life form to another. One should not confuse life with the processes. Life is independent of matter. The very basis of life is the primordial cosmic energy which pervades the universe. This energy is creative, sustaining and destructive as well.

A human being is a marvellous miniature universe and not just an automatic and unconscious instrument of biological forces but a conscious and luminous apparatus of a larger encompassing consciousness.

When the word ‘spiritual’ is used, a contemporary artist may frown at it but the reality is that the thing which stand between the vastness of the microcosm, the galaxies and the constellations, and the minuteness of the microcosm is consciousness. Spirituality deals with a higher level of consciousness which stems from possibility of structuring consciousness through Yoga, contemplation, artistic work and other means, so that it focusses on oneness,

Consciousness is used as an umbrella term for many things. People, even scientists, use it in fragmented connotation and hence, they are with flaws. The seven states of consciousness such as waking, dreaming, sleeping, transcendental consciousness, cosmic consciousness, Spiritual consciousness and the final unity consciousness have already been defined.

But the spiritual consciousness peeps behind the phenomenal world and seeks to find that single Truth in which all things, all processes can be comprehensively united. It seeks to dispel the duality and makes a human being understand that He himself is the Truth, He is the Universe. Attaining the spiritual consciousness means the experience of ‘self’ realization and for this to occur, one has to abandon the self which has been encaged by beliefs, propositions, assumptions, imaginations, hypotheses and mental and emotional sufferings at the mind level and by the (decomposing) material body’s instincts at the physical level.

The reality is that the self is the eternal identity.

When an Artist or a Musician is so engrossed that he becomes one with his creative work, he forgets the world around himself, forgets the self, and experiences the sublime tranquillity by uniting with cosmic consciousness.


Science and Spirituality are two sides of one coin. We use the word science here from physical point of view. Both physical and spiritual scientists aim to explore the hidden laws of nature. The physical helps our life better for living. The Spiritual searches the self, the very basis of origin of life and universe. Both adopt the scientific protocols of pure experimentation  and uniformity of results. Spirituality is in no way based on conjecture, imaginations and hypotheses. The fundamental science of knowing the self can’t be unscientific and pooh poohing by the physical scientists over spirituality reflects the narrow view of consciousness.

Spirituality is the most advanced and basic science of fathoming the self.


A human being is a complex, shimmering and multidimensional entity embodying the true spirit, through the ongoing, continuum process of life, in its unique way. Each individual is connected inextricably to the universe which is represented through matter and energy where energy is dynamic and invisible and matter is what one sees in various forms, shapes, symbols, and metaphors.

Every human being is a unique individual, full of idiosyncrasies and peculiarities. The most precious possession, his life, is his and his alone, unlike that of any other human being’s past, present or future. Each possesses an indwelling fragment of the universal soul.

Each of us is a body, mind and spirit, we each have a body-I, a mind-I and a spirit-I.

The invention of the equation, E = mc2 by Einstein proved that every object in the world is actually a form of energy. But energy cannot work by itself unless there is a driving factor (i.e. consciousness) behind it. The whole energy is consciousness which further ends in the unified field of consciousness.


Health, disease and cure are the building blocks of the omnipresent universal process, called life. These three entities are the quintessence of all living beings including humans and form a trinity on which the ‘quality’ of human existence is based upon. Each component has a diverse meaning and a value, based on the history, culture, art, music, creative and philosophical facets, economic ramifications, growing industrialization, environment and technology.


The maintenance and restoration of health is one of the fundamental rights of every organism.

Being healthy is synonym for being free and this freedom should be at three levels: mental, emotional and physical level. Real health means to be free and pure. The pure he is, the freer he is. The more one is in harmony with the laws of creation, nature and universal Truth, the purer one is. Hence, definition of health will be incomplete without the inclusion of creativity.


Art and Music are one of the powerful healing therapies which have been underestimated over the years due to extravagant influence of conventional medicine.

Disease, is a state of dynamic, unstable equilibrium, imbalance and disharmony involving the patient as a whole. The holistic thinking regards man as a unit, as a body-mind-spirit co-ordinate system, which is diseased and not the part or organ or tissue. A human being becomes ill-at-ease because he is separated from “The Truth” of the universe. We can’t think of health without creativity, of disease without stagnation and suffering and of cure without harmony and tranquillity.


Cure is a wide and comprehensive connotation which also relates to the patient as a whole. It indicates true perception of the meaning of illness and change in the level of consciousness.

In other words, art and music therapy lays its foundation on two facets of unity and consciousness.

The five elements

The five elements of life, namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether – are regarded as the foundation of the world from a grain of sand to the complex physiology of every human being. These elements explain the relationship between external and internal, i.e. between macrocosm and microcosm.

These five elements are derivative expressions of an undifferentiated creative principle and need to be understood in material as well as subtle sense.

The flow of energy

It is postulated that only 10% of the body’s energy resources actually come from the food the individual consumes. The remaining 90% of the energy needs are derived from the air one  breathes, the water one drinks, the fire one absorbs, the earth one lives on and the ether one inhabits.

The theory of five elements emphasizes the concept of polarity relating to the flow of energy which is a gradual process from its source to the physical form. It transforms itself from subtle to denser forms of the manifested universe and is present in all life forms. This is how the energy expresses itself through the five elements of the physical reality. Every substance in the world is made up of these five elements. All these forms can be classified according to the predominance of the particular element in it. For example, though a mountain predominantly constitutes the earth element, it also contains water, fire, air, and ether. But these elements are in very minute amounts as compared to the earth, therefore it is specified in the category of the earth. Nearly every classical system of medicine and healing therapy use the system of

five elements and the common denominator of different interpretation of elements is that the elements are the substances upon which the world is built.


Art as healing is certainly not a new concept, as it has been historically employed by various cultures the world over, including in ritual and ceremony.

Art and Music therapies are the holistic ways of healing which focus on the trinity of health i.e. physical, mental (emotional) and spiritual. They actually center on a healing journey that brings balance to the life through an experiential understanding of self. The self, the “I’ is not outside the treatment modality and they do not possess a one-way approach towards the patient. They demand compliance, active participation of the patients in the healing process and not merely prescribing chemicals.

Art and Music modalities focus on life and health as a series of levels within an overall framework of the evolution of consciousness as they deal primarily with the supreme consciousness. Hence, it completely coincides with the holistic assessment of health. These modalities define health in a wider perspective incorporating peace, within and without, and not merely an absence of disease. They denote the activity of harmony and equilibrium, accelerating the creativity as well. Practising of art, of music nourishes the blossoming where awareness is achieved through adaptation with the cosmos of which a human being is an integral part.

Individualistic approach

Art and Music therapy offers a unique perspective on health and healing of an individual. It is unique as it is tailored according to the individual’s needs and characters. According to the age, sex, culture, specific physical and mental problems, art or music therapist selects, adapts and modifies the practices.

Art and Music therapy is based on the interaction of body and spirit through an experiential connection with the source of life. It addresses numerous questions on the meaning of life and the role of health and healing within it. From the standpoint of destination, the entire life journey is a healing process of reunion with own selves, with spirit and with universe.

Art and Music therapy is a holistic and human-centered approach to Medicine which is complementary to all the other systems of medicine

Monitoring one’s thoughts and trying to adapt with awareness is everyone’s basic necessity. This is offered by Art and Music to those who follow it with perseverance and dedication throughout the healing journey.


“A picture is worth a thousand words,” reflects the powerful effect that the arts and creative expression have on human understanding and communication. Art therapy works to harness that power for therapeutic means.

The art therapy provides individuals facing physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges with new pathways toward understanding and self-expression. Art therapy uses the power of the arts and different modes of communication to get people to open up and engage with their therapy in new ways, which may enhance healing of all kinds. Art therapy integrates mental health and human services by using active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience. It can help improve or bring back an individual’s functioning.

In an art therapy session, following exercises are helpful.

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Finger painting
  • Working with clay
  • Carving
  • Sculpting
  • Doodling and scribbling
  • Making collages

Art therapy is useful for people living with other conditions, such as:

Art therapy can help people enhance specific skills by:

  • Improving approach to conflict resolution
  • Enhancing social skills
  • Strengthening ability to self-regulate
  • Improving understanding of themselves
  • Engaging in art therapy helps them reclaim ownership in their lives in terms of what art they choose and the steps they take to create something unique. It can provide a powerful form of self-expression as well as a creative outlet.

Therapeutic art interventions provide an extraordinary range of clinical possibilities that assist patients and their family caregivers who are affected by a diverse range of health issues (e.g. post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, mental illness, paediatric oncology, neurological disorders).


It is astonishing that music is not invented by the humans. Music is divine and is related to Godliness and Eternity.

Music is a unique human experience.

Music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function. Music fosters change and it has a unique ability to inspire changes in a human being.

Music doesn’t lie. It connects. It resonates. It confronts. It digs out the innermost feelings. It desensitises. It has the potential to forget the self and give the sheer joy of selflessness. It heals.

Health Benefits of Music

  • Blood flows more easily when music is played.
  • It elevates mood.
  • It improves cognition.
  • It reduces stress.
  • It reduces anxiety.
  • It decreases fatigue.
  • It relieves symptoms of depression.
  • It stimulates memories.
  • It manages pain.
  • It eases pain.
  • It helps people eat less.
  • It boosts exercise performance.

Music triggers substantial connectivity changes pointing toward the potential ability of it to stimulate the function of the brain.

Music therapy is the use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. It employs a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery.

Music therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses the naturally mood-lifting properties of music to help people improve their mental health and overall well-being. It’s a goal-oriented intervention that may involve:

  • Making music
  • Writing songs
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Listening to music
  • Discussing music

Music and spirituality are intricately related, with spirituality often being the inspiration for the creation of music, and music so often creating the desired atmosphere for a spiritual experience. The spiritual experience is not an extrinsic phenomenon; it is holistic and intrinsic.


I wind up by citing two cases from my homeopathic clinical practice.

First is a case of an artist who had chronic depression. Due to depression he left his profession. When he consulted me, he was apathetic and indifferent and was unable do any artistic world.

He was a skilled artist of drawing sketches but couldn’t draw a single sketch for three years. I took his case in detail and prescribed him a dose of Carcinosinum ( a remedy prepared from breast cancer tissue). When he came for the follow-up after two months, while I was taking his follow-up, he drew my portrait and gave it to me as a gift. Healing constitutes restoration of creativity and attainment of the higher level of consciousness.

Another case is of a freedom fighter who sustained a heart attack. He was admitted in a hospital. He was on the brink of death and he expressed his wish to listen to his favourite and  very famous song in Hindi language, sung by Lata Mangeshkar, one of India’s great playback singers. The song is a patriotic one and touches the heart so deeply that one would like to cry. His wish was fulfilled and while listening to this emotional song and crying with patriotic tone, he approached the death.

Linda is full with art, music and higher consciousness. She represents them in her art, in her mind and in her creative work.

Best wishes to Linda for her creativity. Let her artistic work allow her to experience the higher consciousness, the one for which everyone of us strives hard to perceive!


Author’s information

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is a veteran homoeopath, a famed international teacher and an academician whose contribution is widely acclaimed in the homeopathic field. He is the Director, Homoeopathic Research Institute, Pune and author of many books and more than 100 papers ranging from philosophy to practice. He is a strong advocate of spiritualism, natural, complementary and alternative therapies and believes that the only answer to the complex problems of the human beings is nobility, compassion and love.


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