*KHA Homeopathy Study Group*
Hosted by
welcomes you to
*KHA Webinar – March 2025*
Date: *March 30th, 2025*
Time: *8:30 PM IST / 11:00 AM EST(US/CAN)*
*Topic:*_* Homeopathy research in action with HOHM Foundation*_
*_Speakers of the Month_*
*1. Tanya Kell*
_RSHom(NA) NASH President_
*2. Denise Straiges*
_MA, RSHom(NA) President/Clinical Director Academy of Homeopathy Education HOHM Foundation_
*3. Alastair Gray*
_Research Director | PhD, MSc, BA (Hons), ADH, PCHom_
*Registration mandatory*
Contact for any query khastudygroup@gmail.com
Visit: www.kavithakhomeo.com