KHA Homeopathy Study Group: Leap to the Similimum: Bringing the Unconscious to the Conscious

KHA Homeopathy Study Group

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KHA Webinar – July 2021

Date: July 11, 2021

Time: 9pm India / 11:30 am Eastern (US & Canada)/ 4:30pm GMT (London)

Speaker: Dr Divya Chhabra, MD (HOM)

Topic:  “Leap to the Similimum: Bringing the Unconscious to the Conscious

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Inspiring words by speaker

After our first email interaction, she made a whirlwind stop at Mumbai. As we shared breakfast, saw cases, and talked homeopathy, I was struck by Kavitha Kukunoor’s enthusiasm, sharp insights and openness to learn new methods and concepts. Her ‘joie-de-vivre’ infected us all that day. Many practitioners sit in their clinics doing great work, but lack the ability or time to disseminate the information. Kavitha has taken on that mantle with responsibility and purpose; to spread awareness of homeopathy to the lay public, and to spread specific new ideas of work, among the homeopathic practitioners through the digital media. A vital role that is the need of the hour for our world today. I am happy to get associated with her & wish her good luck in all her future endeavors.

Dr Divya Chhabra, MD Homeopath (India)

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