From Absolute Materia medica by Dr P I Tarkas and Dt Ajit Kulkarni
*Dr. Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.)
Selenium metallicum Sel.
Proved by Dr Hering
Selenium is a nonmetal, belongs to group 16 (VI A) in the periodic table of elements along with oxygen (O), sulphur (S), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te), polonium (Po) and livermonium (Lv).
In the fourth row the elements include Periodic table Row 4 contains 18 elements from Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Mangenese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, and Krypton.
- The name Selenium comes from the greek word for the moon and its Goddess ‘Selene’. Found with Sulphur and Tellurium. Tellus= Earth. Inside the Sun is an active substance, sulphur. Alchemists equal sulphur with the Sun. Sulphur is the spirit of life. Sun <, a marked symptom. Selenium = Moon between Earth and Sun.
- Selenium after cooling becomes brittle and black = Fragile;
- Selenium burns in air displaying a blue flame and forms solid selenium dioxide = Blue-sexuality
- A fascinating trace element that opens up the entire world of experience for the human beings.
- It is a constituent of bones, teeth, liver, kidneys, pancreas and in men-testes and seminal vesicles.
- Selenium has several bodily functions such as anti-oxidant property, thyroid functioning, heavy metal detoxification, infection-fighting ability, stimulation of antibody formation in response to vaccines, increase of male fertility, in reducing menopausal symptoms etc. Along with it’s metabolic associate vitamin E, Selenium is required for liver integrity and in treating acne. Cancer: Several studies have suggested a possible link between cancer and selenium deficiency. One grown hair of a cancer patient contains 4 mg selenium. Colloidal selenium has been used as an injection for inoperable cancer.
- Sel. is a deeper-acting remedy against the asthenic states, when the system has lost it’s élan and torpidity has supervened (like Carbn-s., but unlike it).
Sources of Selenium:
- Blue corn, raw dairy products such as raw cow or goat milks, some raw cheeses, yogurts and kefir, mustard of all kinds, butter, shellfish, whole grains, garlic, onions and lentils, sunflower seeds and almonds; seafood, organ meats, muscle meats, cereals and other grains, fish and eggs. Mother’s milk has more selenium than cow’s milk.
Selenium poisoning:
- Poisoning by excess consumption causes 1. Alkali disease (dullness, emaciation, lameness, cirrhosis of liver). 2. Blind staggers (salivation, paralysis and blindness).
- Respiratory symptoms: Mucous membrane irritation, coughing, garlicky breath odor, bronchitis, pneumonia, reduced respiratory rate, pulmonary edema and death.
- Gastrointestinal symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a bitter metallic taste with burping and intestinal cramps.
- Hair, nail, teeth and skin changes: Brittle hair, hair loss; nails deformed, brittle, sloughing off; tooth discoloration, decay and mottled or discolored skin.
- Neurological symptoms: Damage to nerves and brain tissue. Fatigue, irritability, listlessness, reduced mental alertness, emotional instability, hand tremors, tingling or loss of sensation in the arms or legs, reduced blood pressure, unconsciousness and death.
Nerves: Vagus; solar plexus; supra-orbital (left)
Genito-urinary organs
Rising heat of sun. Stay in tropics
Drafts of air: Hot, cold, damp (pains); even thought of it
Touch. Pressure
Sleep, loss of; near end of (pains etc.). After sleep
Loss of vital fluids. Sexual excesses. Singing. While or after talking
Tea. Tobacco. Sugar. Alcohol. Quinine
Exertion: Mental or physical. Walking. Over-study
After stool
Sour (butter milk, lemonade, tamarind water)
Smoking (eructations, hiccough)
Evening coolness. Inhaling cold air
Drinking cold water
When half asleep
- The old; debilitated; emaciated; tubercular; oversexed; melancholic; hypochondriacs; society shunners (Con.); but garrulous when excited; fagged, unfit for any kind of labor. Alcoholics. The children, who are shy, resigning, have concentration problems and hydrocele. The young, who look old, forgetful, lazy, and disinterested at school or other work, have acne and offensive perspiration. Blondes and persons of light complexion. Solar plexus people. Tea friends (Chin.,Thuj.).
- Atony/Torpor of all functions: Sexual (with unmitigated desire); digestive; vocal.
- Emaciation: Of single parts; face, hands, thighs, legs, hands etc.
- Weakness: Easy debility. After emission or coition, any exertion, mental work; from HEAT; sudden. After exhausting diseases. Debility as in (or of) old age; incoordination; tottering.
- Pulsations: In whole body, esp. in abdomen after eating.
- “I can’t do” (Onos.). “I don’t care” (Con.). Lazy. Light-hearted. Frivolous (Calc-fl.). Deficiency of ideas (Ph-ac.). Lascivious, but impotent (Calad.).
- Anxiety (nervous, not mental). Loquacity, during perspiration (Calad.), in evening. Fanaticism; religious (cp. Med.). Theorizing. Absent-minded. Timidity.
- Extreme sadness, < morning. Abject despair; uncompromising melancholy. Great dullness, with complete insensibility and indifference to his surroundings. Aversion to company of intimate friends (Iod.).
- Very forgetful, esp. in business; during slumber, however, he remembers all he had forgotten. Stammering; he uses syllables of words in wrong connections, pronounces words incorrectly. Difficult comprehension. Fails to understand what he hears or reads.
- Vertigo: On lifting head or rising up; on moving about; with faintness, nausea, vomiting < after breakfast, dinner.
- Headache: Stinging pain over left eye < walking in sun, afternoon, strong odors, wine, tea, lemonade; with polyuria and depression. Violent headache in forehead and gradually involves the whole head. Feeling as if head were pressed against the pillow by a warm hand on forehead. Headache after debauchery. Doesn’t want head touched.
- Scalp: Falling hair (also eyebrows, whiskers and pubic); alopecia. Hair sensitive. Tingling, itching on scalp in evening, oozing after scratching. Pain in the scalp as if the hair were pulled out. Tension and sensation of contraction of scalp.
- Inflammation. Itching vesicles on edges of eyelids and on eyebrows and pressure as from a grain of sand. Falling off of eyebrows.
- Spasmodic twitching of left eyeball. Myopia increased.
- Catarrh of middle ear. Ear feels stopped. Various tinnituses (esp. buzzing, fluttering, ringing, rumbling, rushing, rolling); < evening in bed.
- Hardened earwax in left ear, soft in right; cause of deafness.
- Coryza: Yellow, thick, jelly–like mucus; ending in diarrhea. Chronic obstruction of nose. Loss of smell.
- Inclination to constantly bore finger in nose; itching inside.
- Twitching. Greasy. Acne. Comedones. Shiny. Red cheeks on waking. Emaciation.
- Eruptions. Upper lip cracked (Nat-m.).
- Bad teeth; covered with mucus, habit of picking teeth.
- Toothache > holding cold water in mouth and sucking cold air, eating, drinking, smoking, < tea.
- Sweetish taste. Full of tenacious mucus after siesta; salivation.
- Dryness of mouth and throat after sleep or siesta, with much thirst, drinking followed by sweat; also without thirst (Clarke).
- Tongue: White-coated. Pain under root of tongue.
- Hawks transparent lumps every morning (Med.). Dryness; < towards evening.
- Paroxysmal pain in left external throat (sterno-mastoid).
- Anorexia in a.m., but nightly hunger. Nausea; sea and carsickness with cold sweat. Pressure in stomach as if cramp would occur.
- Desires: Alcohol; tea; coffee, strong drinks; salt (but later aversion).
- Worse after: Sour; sweets; spices; salt; fruits, lemonade, tea, tobacco (smoking). Cold water welcome.
- After eating: Drowsiness; hiccough; eructations; heat of skin (during siesta); weakness; must lie down.
- Atony of digestive apparatus.
- Liver: Searching or stitching pain in hepatic region < deep breath, motion, pressure; extending to kidney region; tenderness; enlarged; fine rash over hepatic region (red, itching). Biliousness, after tea. Jaundice. Chronic liver affections.
- Violent pulsation all over, esp. in abdomen.
- Stitches in spleen when walking (Nat-m.).
- Colon dyspepsia, flatulent oppression about 4-5 a.m. in sleep. Flatulent colic (> deflation).
- Tubercular peritonitis.
- Obstipation: Atonic. Stools dry, hard, large (threaten to tear anus), impacted (and accumulated); hours may be spent in an effort to evacuate; requiring mechanical aid; contain hair-like filaments; mucus or blood with last portion (dysenteric with tenesmus). Papescent stool with a feeling as from a hard stool.
- Enuresis; dribbling when walking, after stool or urination.
- Burning in urethra from last drops; from seminal emission; sensation at meatus as if a biting drop were forcing its way out. Twinging pain along urethra from behind forward. Chronic urethritis.
- Pre-diabetic (All elements are prone to diabetes).
- Urine: Dark; scanty; frothy; red in evening; sediment coarse, sandy.
- Sexual neurasthenia; defeated at coition; premature ejaculation (of thin, watery, inodorous) semen with a prolonged thrill (orgasm). Priapism. Irritability after sex. Increased desire, decreased ability.
- Prostate: Swelling of prostrate; feels hard and causes narrowing of urethra; discharge while sitting, during sleep (Nat-p.), when walking (moving in the sun) and at stool. Prostatitis.
- Tickling and itching in genitals, esp. in scrotum.
- Chronic gonorrhea. Hydrocele. Papilloma on penis.
- Menses: Dark and profuse; delayed. Dipsomania before menses.
- Throbbing in abdomen during pregnancy, < eating.
- Blood in breasts.
- Voice husky or hoarse, alternating with need to clear throat; when beginning to sing or from talking long. Paralysis of vocal cords; aphonia. Laryngitis; catarrhal; tubercular (Nat-sel.); cervical glands swollen, hard but not sore. Hoarseness of singers or speakers (Arg-m.). Nodes on vocal cord (Arg-m.).
- Frequent efforts to breathe deeply, like sighing; with moaning (Ign.). Oppression in chest and region of heart.
- Cough in morning, straining, expectoration of small globules of mucus and blood.
- Stiches in forepart of left chest as from incarcerated flatulence, withy nausea, anxious sweat, vertigo and even extrasystoles, not at night; > deflation. Flatulent twinges, (a sub-pseudo angina pectoris), sticking in left side, at night, > during day.
- Neurosis cordis.
- Neck stiff on turning head.
- Pain like lameness/paralysis in lumbar region in morning; after acute diseases; < bending backward, > lying on abdomen. Pain in left scapula with pain in left chest.
- Weak spine, after lingering diseases; after typhoid, with fear of paralysis.
- Painful hangnails. Tearing pain in hands at night, with cracking in wrists. Sudden sciatic pains (left), ending in soreness.
- Itching of palms. Scabious pimples on hands, buttocks and thighs.
- Cramps in calves, soles, great toe. Cramps, then stiffness (Boger).
- Numbness.
- Sleepiness: Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep; strength suddenly leaves him. After meals (esp. dinner); of aged; from any exertion (mental or physical). Sleepy and hot at noon (in the tropics).
- Light sleep, least noise awakens him. Sleep in catnaps. Starts (or jerks) on falling asleep. Sleepless till midnight. Awakens early; always at the same hour (4-5 a.m.), when all his symptoms (e.g. flatulence, oppression) get worse.
- “Very sick after sleep” (T. F. Allen); pains and weakness. Sleep as of dead all the forenoon.
- Dreams: Distant historical people, of quarrels and cruelties, journeys. Lascivious dreams, with seminal emissions, which awaken him, followed by lameness and weakness in small of back.
- Oily; seborrhea. Frequent tingling in small spots, with urge to scratch, after which moisture. Burning in spots.
- Eczema: On hairy parts (Nat-m.); parts exposed to sun. Flat ulcers.
- Itching pimples, vesicles, between fingers. Miliary eruptions. Itching about ankles, between fingers, on palms (with psoriasis, syphilitica). Itch checked by mercury or sulphur (Caust.).
- Lump in skin to inner side of right tendo Achilles. Stiches in corns.
- Chill alternating with heat.
- External heat; heat of skin, after siesta, < after meals.
- Sweat: Esp. on chest, axilla and genitals; from least exertion; < eating; walking; as soon as he sleeps (Con.); profuse; staining yellow (Sulph.); white; stiffens the linen or makes the hair stiff and wiry; leaves a salty deposit.
- After typhoid or other severe exhausting affections: Debility, easy fatigue and low recuperative power. Legs feel weak after typhoid, with fear of paralysis. Talkative after typhoid.
- Similar: Agn., Alumn., Alum., Arg-m., Ars., Aur., Aur-s., Caust., Con., Nat-m., Osm., Phos., Ph-ac., Stann.,Tell.
- Sel. is a version of Sulph. (warm-blooded, < after sleep, < heat, hunger at unusual time, slow recuperation, skin symptoms, profuse sweating, tubercular, emaciation etc.). Sel. represents the fagged state of Sulph. when Sulph. has lost its brilliance and has become neurasthenic. Sel. complements Sul. and antidotes crude sulphur and mercury.
- Aur. is intensified Sel.
- Compare: Alum., Calc., Carbn-s., Chin., Lyc., Merc., Nat-p., Pic-ac., Sep., Syph., Thuj.
- Compatible after: Calad., Nat-c., Nat-m., Staph.
- Incompatible: Chin.
- Antidoted by: Ign., Mur-ac., Puls.
- Trios: Onos.-Calc-f.-Sel. Sul.-Carbn-s.-Sel.
M.D. (Hom.)
- Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune
- A Veteran Homeopath, an Academician and a Famed International Teacher
- Co-Author: Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica
Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma
Author: Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality Vol I-IV
Law of Similars in Medical Science
Homeopathic Posology
Kali Family and Its Relations
Body Language and Homeopathy
Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon)
More than 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy
Many books translated in several languages
- Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy’
- Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna’
- ‘Life achievement Award’
- Member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai
- Address: Kachare Classic, Erandwane, near New Karnataka High school, Pune
- Website: