#KHAarticle – Kavitha K Homeo https://kavithakhomeo.com Tue, 30 Apr 2024 17:23:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://kavithakhomeo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/cropped-Kavitha-Holistic-Approach-Logo-32x32.png #KHAarticle – Kavitha K Homeo https://kavithakhomeo.com 32 32 HYPERTENSION AND HOMOEOPATHY https://kavithakhomeo.com/hypertension-and-homoeopathy/ https://kavithakhomeo.com/hypertension-and-homoeopathy/#respond Tue, 30 Apr 2024 17:23:58 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6735 HYPERTENSION AND HOMOEOPATHY Read More »


Hypertension is the medical name for high blood pressure.

HISTORICAL REVIEW OF HYPERTENSION                                            

Blood exerts pressure. That fact was first discovered by the English physician William Harvey (1578–1657) in the 1600s.

Until nearly a century later, no one actually tried to measure blood pressure.

The English clergyman and physiologist Stephen Hales devised the first blood pressure measuring device. He cut open the blood vessel in various animals and inserted a metal pipe into the vessel. He then connected the pipe to a long glass tube. Blood was pushed out of the vessel into the glass tube. The blood rose to different levels in the tube for different animals.

It took another century for physicians to find a way to take blood pressure without actually cutting into a blood vessel.

In 1876, the German physician Samuel Siegried von Basch (1837–1905) invented the first sphygmomanometer.


The two stages of high and low blood pressure have special names-

Systolic Blood Pressure

The highest pressure reached by blood in the arteries is called the systolic pressure. It is the force of blood in the arteries as the heart beats. It is shown as the top number in a blood pressure reading.

Diastolic Blood Pressure

The lowest pressure reached by blood in the arteries is known as the diastolic pressure. It is the force of blood in the arteries as the heart relaxes between beats. It’s shown as the bottom number in a blood pressure reading.


The two major types are-

  • PRIMARY OR ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION- It has no known cause, is diagnosed in the majority of people.
  • SECONDARY HYPERTENSION- It is often caused by several reversible factors. The other types include-
  • MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION- This is the most severe and progressive form of hypertension. It rapidly leads to organ damage. Unless properly treated, it is fatal within five years for the majority of patients. Death usually comes from heart failure, kidney damage or brain haemorrhage.
  • ISOLATED SYSTOLIC HYPERTENSION- In this type, the systolic blood pressure, is consistently above 160 mm Hg, and the diastolic below 90 mm Hg. This may occur in older people, and results from the age-related stiffening of the arteries. The loss of elasticity in arteries, like the aorta, is mostly due to arteriosclerosis. The Western lifestyle and diet is believed to be the root cause.
  • WHITE COAT  HYPERTENSION-  It is also called anxiety-induced hypertension, it means blood pressure is only high when tested by a health professional.
  • RESISTANT HYPERTENSION- If blood pressure cannot be reduced to below 140/90 mmHg, despite a triple-drug regime, resistant hypertension is considered.


  • Family history
  • Advancing age
  • Sleep apnea
  • Race (most common in blacks)
  • Obesity
  • Tobacco use
  • High sodium intake
  • High saturated fat intake
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Stress
  • Excess renin
  • Mineral deficiencies (calcium, potassium, and magnesium)
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Chronic renal disease (most common)
  • Coarctation of the aorta
  • Renal artery stenosis and parenchymal disease
  • Brain tumor, quadriplegia, and head injury
  • Pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome, hyperaldosteronism, and thyroid, pituitary, or parathyroid dysfunction
  • Hormonal contraceptives, cocaine, epoetin alfa, sympathetic stimulants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors taken with tyramine, estrogen replacement therapy, and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension, also called gestational hypertension or preeclampsia.

Most people with primary hypertension don’t have any obvious symptoms at all. The symptoms of hypertension vary from person to person. These symptoms could also be symptoms of other health problems; however the more common symptoms of hypertension are-

  • Chronic headaches
  • Dizziness or Vertigo
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Fatigue – general tiredness
  • A flushed face
  • Nosebleeds
  • A strong need to urinate often (especially during the night)
  • Tinnitus (a ringing or buzzing in the ears)

Because hypertension does not produce symptoms it is important to have regular BP checkups.


It is done with a Sphygmomanometer. Certain levels of the condition are set depending on the person’s blood pressure-

  • Normal Blood Pressure: In the range 130/85
  • High Normal: In the ranges 130–140/85–90
  • Mild Hypertension: In the ranges 140–160/90–100
  • Moderate Hypertension: In the ranges 160–180/100–110
  • Severe Hypertension: In the ranges 180–210/110–120
  • Very Severe Hypertension: Higher than 210/120

Patients with higher-than-normal blood pressure may then be given other tests. These include:

  • MEDICAL AND FAMILY HISTORIES-  These help a doctor find out if the patient has risk factors in his or her family. If hypertension is common in the family, the patient is likely to be at higher risk for the condition.
  • PHYSICAL EXAMINATION- Sometimes other health problems may be discovered during a physical examination that explain the patient’s high blood pressure.
  • EXAMINATION OF THE BLOOD VESSELS IN THE EYES- High blood pressure may cause blood vessels in the eyes to become thick or narrow. Bleeding in the eyes may also be visible.
  • CHEST X RAY- This is used to check for an enlarged heart, other heart disorders, and lung disease.
  • ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH (ECG)- This test measures the electrical activity of the heart. It can determine whether the heart muscle is functioning normally.
  • BLOOD AND URINE TESTS- These help determine the general health of the patient.

The major goal of treatment is to avoid the most serious complications of hypertension, such as heart disease and strokes. Homoeopathic Medicines can completely cure the hypertension if prescribed on the basis of similimum.

  • Reduction in salt intake.
  • Reduction in fat intake.
  • Losing weight.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Reduction in alcohol consumption.
  • Learning how to manage stress.

Homoeopathy does miracles if prescribed on the basis of similimum.   


ACONITUM NAPELLUS                                            

-Great distress in heart and chest.

-Dreadful oppression of the precordial region.

-Inward pressing in the region of the heart.

-Palpitation with great anxiety and difficulty of breathing. Anguish with dyspnoea.

-Sensation of something rushing into head, with confusion and flying heat in face.

-Sudden attacks of pain in heart, with dyspnoea.

-Aconite is ANXIOUS; restless; with fears : Fear of death.

-Sudden acute conditions from chill, shock, fright.

-All ailments and fears worse at night.

-“Sits up straight and can hardly breathe. Aconite has such a violent cardiac irritation, pulse fluttering, weak, full and bounding; sits up in bed, grasps the throat, wants everything thrown off; before midnight a hot skin, great thirst, great fear – everything is associated together ….

-Sudden attacks of pain in the heart with dyspnoea… breaks into a profuse sweat     awful

anxiety”. – Kent.


-“The lancinating, darting pains, palpitation, orthopnoea, have rendered Apis invaluable in cardiac inflammations and dropsy”.

-Sudden oedema, dyspnoea, and sudden lancinating or STINGING pains, restlessness and anxiety.

-Think of Apis for burning and stinging pains – anywhere.

-Apis is generally thirstless.

-Is worse after sleep : from warm room, and heat : better cold air, cold room, cold applications. (Reverse of Ars.).

-“Skin alternately dry and hot, or perspiring”.


-Pain in region of heart, as if it were squeezed together (Cact., Lil. tigr.), or had shock or blow.

-Heart first rapid, then extremely slow.

-Stitches in cardiac region : stitches left to right.

-Pulse feeble – hurried – irregular.

-Horror of instant death with cardiac distress in the night.

-One of our greatest remedies for tired heart : dilated after strain or exertion.

-Tired out from physical or mental strain.

-Feels bruised, beaten, sore : bruises easily.

-Restless because bed feels too hard.

-Does not wish to be touched : fears approach.


-Useful in advanced and desperate heart cases.

-Palpitation, with anguish; cannot lie on back : worse going up stairs; walking. Heartbeats irritable.

-Palpitation and tremulous weakness after stool.

-Angina pectoris; sudden tightness above the heart; agonizing precordial pain; pains extend into neck and occiput; (Latrodect. and Kalm. to left arm and hand); breathing difficult; fainting spells. Least motion makes him lose his breath; sits bent forward, or with head thrown back.

-Worse at night, especially 1 to 5 a.m.

-Rheumatism affecting heart, with great prostration, cold, sticky sweat; great anxiety and oppression; burning about the heart.

-Pulse small, rapid, feeble : intermittent.

-Valvular disease, with dyspnoea, anasarca.

-Hydropericardium with great irritability, anguish and restlessness.

-N.B. – The cardinal symptoms of Ars. are generally present : extreme restlessness, driving out of bed, or from bed to bed.

-Thirst for small quantities, often. Aggravation from cold : relief from heat. (Reverse of Apis. But one has seen Ars. rapidly curative in a desperate case of hydropericardium, where these were absent.


-Frequent attacks of anguish about the heart, and tremulous fearfulness.

-Violent palpitation of the heart.

-Rheumatism that has gone to heart (Kalm.).

-Acute rheumatism with desperate heart conditions; extreme dyspnoea; impossible to lie down.

-A queer symptom – heart seems to shake, as if loose, when walking.

-The Aurum mental state is profound despondency and melancholy.

-Disgust of life. Tendency to suicide.

-Absolute loss of enjoyment in everything.

-Pains wander from joint to joint and finally settle in the heart.


-Is also very valuable in heart troubles.

-Hering (Guiding Symptoms) says, “Angina pectoris (next to Arnica indispensable)”.

-Heaviness, aching, sensation of rigidity in heart. Cardiac anguish.

-Sticking in heart.


-Palpitation of the heart : heart squeezed.

-Sensation of constriction in the heart, as if an iron band prevented its normal movement.

-Several violent, irregular beats of the heart, with sensation of pressure and heaviness.

-Small, irregular heart-beats, with necessity for deep inspiration.

-Congestion in chest.

-Painful constriction lower chest; “a cord tightly bound round false ribs, obstructing breathing”.

-Great constriction (sternum) “compressed by iron pincers”.

-“It is the nature of Cactus to constrict.

-Tightness and constriction about head – chest – diaphragm – heart – uterus : – clutchings.

-Chest as if filled with hot gushes of blood.

-“Cactus has a profound curative action upon the heart”.

-Fear and distress. Violent suffering.

-Screaming with the pain.

-Strong pulsations felt in strange places – stomach – bowels – even extremities.

-“11 o’clock remedy : 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. “


-“Weak heart muscles”.

-Pulse irregular, feeble, intermittent.

-“Must be used for some time to obtain good results”. -Boericke.


-Sensation as though heart stood still, with great anxiety : must hold breath, dare not move.

-Pulse very slow: thready, slow, intermittent.

-Sensation as if heart would stop beating if she moved. (Gels. must move or it will stop.).

-Respiration difficult : sighing : stops when she drops off to sleep.

-Digitalis affects heart and liver : jaundice – white stools, with very slow pulse. (Kalm.).

-Diarrhoea and nausea with heart disease.


-Stitching pains – chest – heart, extort cries.

-Stitches about heart and through to scapula.

-Heart’s action, intermittent, irregular, tumultuous, weak. Mitral insufficiency.

-Leans forward resting on arms to take weight off chest (rev. Spig.).

-Stitching pains (like Bry.), but also independently of motion and respiration (unlike Bry.).

-Worse hours are 2-4 a.m.

-Has profuse sweat. Puffiness about the eyes.

-Complementary to Carbo veg.

-One has seen Kali carb. following a few doses of Carbo veg., bring back to life a dying child, an old mitral case, with pericarditis with effusion, and pneumonia with plural effusion


-Violent palpitations of the heart with faint feelings : with oppressed breathing.

-Wandering rheumatic pains in region of heart, extend down left arm. – (Lat. mact., Med.).

-Heart disease, after frequent attacks of rheumatism, or alternating with it.

-Hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency, or thickening after rheumatism; paroxysms of anguish about heart, with dyspnoea and febrile excitement.

-Remarkable slowness of pulse (Dig.). Pulse very feeble : or, heart’s action very tumultuous, rapid and visible (Spig.).

-“When rheumatism has been treated externally and cardiac symptoms ensue”. – Kent.


-Cramp-like pain in precordial region, causing palpitation with anxiety.

-“Heart feels too large for containing cavity”.

-Bluish lips. Cyanosis. (Spongia.).

-Intolerance of touch or pressure on throat – larynx – stomach abdomen.

-As if something swollen in pit of throat would suffocate him.

-Worse after sleep. (Spongia).

-“Lachesis is one of our most useful remedies in heart troubles, acute or chronic; the peculiar suffocation, cough, and aggravation from constriction being the guiding symptoms”. – Nash.


-Violent precordial pains extending to axilla and down left arm and forearm to fingers, with numbness and apnoea. Angina.

-Violent precordial pains and pain left arm, which was almost paralysed.

-Pulse uncountable : quick and thready.

LILIUM TIGRINUM              

-Dull oppressive pain in heart; sharp quick pain, with fluttering.

-Roused from sleep by pain as if heart were violently grasped, the grasp gradually relaxed, interrupting heartbeat and breathing.

-Sensation as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice (Cactus); as if all blood had gone to heart : must bend double; (reverse of Spig.).

-Heart alternately grasped and released.

-Heart feels over-loaded with blood.

-Violent palpitation with throbbing of carotids.

-Depression of spirits. Weeps.

-Characteristics : Hurried feeling, as of imperative duties and inability to perform them.

-Pressure on rectum and bladder. Terrible urging to stool, to urinate, all the time.

-Bearing down with heavy weight, as if whole contents of pelvis would issue through vagina, but for upward pressure of hand.


-Protrusion of eyes, with tumultuous action of heart. (Spig.).

-Eyes feel full and heavy; pressing outwards.

-Cardiac irritability. Pulse frequent, small, compressible : or quick hard, wiry, not compressible.

-Trembling hands.


-A great heart medicine, only proved in low potencies, so we lack the finer indications.

-Heart weak. Post-diphtheritic heart.

-“For a heart damaged by Acute rheumatism”.


-Palpitation, violent, on slightest motion.

-Violent, lying on left side.

-Precordial anguish from emotion.

-Heaviness, chest, as if a weight lying on it.

-Constriction : pressing sensation about heart.

-Burning pain between scapulae. (Lyc.).

-The Phos. type : tall, fine : fear alone, dark, thunder. Thirst for cold drinks.


-Rheumatic irritation of heart, where pains shift rapidly about the body.

-Heart symptoms reflex from indigestion.

-Heaviness, pressure, fullness (heart). Violent palpitation with anguish : sight obscured.

-Patient nervous, weepy, intolerant of heat : craves air and fuss.


-Violent palpitation of the heart and beating of all the arteries, in bed. Stitches in heart.

-Violent palpitations of heart, as if it would force its way through chest wall : relieved by walking a long distance, and walking very fast.

-The Sepia patient is indifferent : hates fuss.

-Tendency to ptosis and dragging down, especially in pelvic organs. – (Lil. tigr.).

-Profuse perspirations, especially axillae.

-General relief from motion – food – sleep.


-VIOLENT beating of heart that frequently he could hear the pulsation, or that the beasts could be seen through the clothes.

-Palpitation aggravated by sitting down and bending forward (rev. of Kali carb.).

-Heart seemed to be in tremulous motion.

-Worse for deep inspiration, or holding breath.

-“Heart sounds may be audible several inches away”. – Nash.

-Must lie on right side, or with head very high.

-Spigelia’s pains are stitching. Sharp neuralgic pains (chest, head, heart, eyes, etc.).

-Worse for slightest motion.


-Constricting pain (cardiac) with anxiety.

-Attacks of oppression and cardiac pain agg. lying with head low. Anxious sweat.

-Palpitation : violent, with pain, gasping respiration : suddenly awakened after midnight with suffocation, great alarm, anxiety.

-Awoke often in a fright, felt suffocating (Lach.). Lips blue (Lach.).

-Angina pectoris : contracting pain in chest, heat, suffocation, faintness, anxious sweat.


-Anxious palpitation. Violent palpitation.

-Rush of blood to heart. “Too much blood in heart”. (Cact.).

-Heart feels enlarged.

-Great orgasm of blood, with burning hands.

-Stitches heart and chest; worse deep breathing.

-Sulphur is hungry – untidy – argumentative.

-Worse heat : intolerant of clothing : fond of fat. Dd nosodes

-In cases that do not respond normally to treatment one must not forget the Nosodes. One of Hahnemann’s “chronic parasitic diseases” may be the bar to progress in acute sickness also – and that not only with tubercle, syphilis and gonorrhoea, but also in regard to Scarlet fever, Diphtheria, Small-pox, Measles and all the rest. Therefore, one should remember: –


-With history of Diphtheria.

-Feeble, irregular or intermittent pulse, quick or slow, with vomiting and cyanosis.


-Pain and pressure behind the sternum.

-Lancinating pains in heart at night, base to apex (Medorrh. is worse by day).


-Heart felt very hot : beat fast : with bursting sensation : or feeling of a cavity where heart ought to be.

-Sharp pain at apex, worse motion.

-Great pain, heart, extending to left arm (Latro. mact.) and throat.

-Intense pain, heart, radiates to all parts of left chest : worse least movement.

-The troubles of Medorrh. are worse by day – sunrise to sunset.

-Those of Luet. by night : sunset to sunrise.

-Medorrh. is rich in mental symptoms : Everything seems unreal like a dream.

-Time moves so slowly : things done an hour ago, as if done a week ago. -(Cann. ind.).

-Anguish : introspection : always anticipating evil happenings.

-“Someone behind her”.

-Cannot concentrate : forgets what she is reading; cannot spell simple words. Dd bac., tub.

-Heart cases where there is a family, or past history of tubercular manifestations.

-Palpitation : heaviness : pressure over heart.

-Irritable : irritable on waking : nothing pleases : nothing satisfies.

-“Wants to travel : cosmopolitan condition of mind”. Suffocates in a warm room. (Puls.).

  • Radar 10
  • EH
  • Hypertension in the Twentieth Century: Concepts and Achievements 2004, by W. Birkenhager
  • Comprehensive Hypertension 2007, by Gregory Lip
  • Handbook of Hypertension by W.H. Birkenhäger
  • Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald 2007, by William White
  • Manual of Hypertension 2002, by Giuseppe Mancia
  • Hypertension, An Issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 2009, by Mahboob Rahman
  • Clinical Symposia: Hypertension 1991, by Frank Netter

About Author

© Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma

B.Sc., B.H.M.S., M.D. (Homoeopathy), h.M.D. (U.K.), D.I. Hom. (London)

Dr. (Km) Ruchi Rajput

B.Sc., B.H.M.S.

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Homoeopathy in Covid 19 Sequelae: A Case of Telogen Effluvium https://kavithakhomeo.com/homoeopathy-in-covid-19-sequelae-a-case-of-telogen-effluvium/ Sat, 06 Apr 2024 16:44:51 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6707 Homoeopathy in Covid 19 Sequelae: A Case of Telogen Effluvium Read More »

Published in Advancements in Homeopathic Research, Vol. 9 No.1, February 2024-April 2024, Date of Publication 2024/02/01, Pages no. 47-50 ISSN : 2456-3668 (Print) // EISSN : 2583-5661 (Online) DOI : 10.48165/ahr.2024.9.1.7

Hair loss is one of the most prevalent complaints in patients shortly after being infected with Covid-19, reported more commonly in women. The most likely cause could be either the pathogenetic aspects or psychiatric complications of Covid-19, which can lead to the appearance or aggravation of hair loss. Homoeopathy has a vital role to play in such areas; where no specific therapeutic intervention is available in modern medicine especially when the disease is stress induced. Since Homoeopathy is the only healing science that takes care of the patient as a whole; the root cause, the physical and mental state of the patient along with the disease symptoms which individualizes the patient from one another are the basis of accurate and effective homoeopathic prescription. Following the cardinal principles, significant improvement and recovery was seen in such cases with homoeopathic remedies.

Keywords: Hair fall, Post Covid, Telogen effluvium, Homeopathy, Acid phosphoricum, Sepia

To continue reading on https://homoeojournal.com/homoeopathy-in-covid-19-sequelae-a-case-of-telogen-effluvium/

About Author

Dr. Shweta Singh
MD (Hom.), Senior Research Fellow (H), CCRH
Senior Consultant: Orbit Clinics
President: Delhi Homoeopathic Medical Association
Chief Administrator: KHA Homeopathy Study group Pro Bono, USA

A Case of Appendicitis in a young girl treated by Homoeopathy https://kavithakhomeo.com/a-case-of-appendicitis-in-a-young-girl-treated-by-homoeopathy/ Sat, 06 Apr 2024 14:33:26 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6715 A Case of Appendicitis in a young girl treated by Homoeopathy Read More »

Keywords: Homoeopathy, Appendicitis, Junk food.

Appendicitis is an inflamed appendix. Appendix is a small, tubular pouch, about the size of a finger, that protrudes from the lower right end of your large intestine. Poop (feces) moving through your large intestine can block or infect your appendix, leading to inflammation.
Chronic appendicitis is a rare condition that appears to occur when something irritates your appendix in an on-and-off sort of way over a long period.
Chronic appendicitis may go unrecognized because the symptoms don’t escalate the way they do in acute appendicitis. But any type of appendicitis is serious.

The most common symptoms of appendicitis are abdominal pain, nausea and loss of appetite.
In the typical presentation, abdominal pain begins in the middle of your abdomen, around your belly button. It may hover or may come and go for several hours. Eventually, the pain intensifies, and nausea and vomiting develop. Several hours later, the nausea passes, and the pain shifts to your lower right abdomen, where your appendix is. The pain becomes more focused and continues to worsen.

McBurney’s sign. McBurney’s point is the most typical location of the appendix, and tenderness there is the first thing that we examine.
Blumberg’s sign. Pressure applied to the sore area feels worse when it’s released also known as rebound tenderness.

Appendicitis is inflammation and infection of the appendix ( a thin tube of tissue that is connected to intestines).
Appendicitis seems to develop when the appendix becomes blocked either by hard fecal material (called a fecalith) or Swollen lymph nodes in the intestines.
Appendix is the reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria. The most common bacteria that can cause acute appendicitis are intestinal bacteria including Escherichia Coli and bacteria belonging to the Bactericides Fragilis group [4]. Their onset is sudden and has a definite course & quick expression of action.
They terminated within a short time either with complete recovery or after the death of the patient [5]. Appendectomy is re- inflammation of the residual appendiceal
tissue after months to years. Appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen requiring surgery. Prompt diagnosis is necessary as delayed diagnosis may lead to increased morbidity and mortality due to complications like perforation, gangrene, and phlegm on formation [6]. There are some postoperative complications after appendectomy including wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess, retrocecal abscess, intestinal perforation with
peritonitis, bleeding and adhesions occurred. Appendectomy is very dangerous for Comorbidity patients as well. So, here is the beauty of homeopathic management in acute appendicitis.
In the Aphorism, no. 72 & 73 were described the acute disease are the result of a rapid morbid process of the deranged vital force [7, 8]. Meanwhile, Homoeopathic intervention can
manage appendicitis within a few weeks & it’s shown through this case report with supporting documents.

Case Report/Case Presentation
A 7 year young girl was presented with the pain in the abdomen since 6 months.
The parents use to show to the local doctor and use to give some antacids, The young girl was also suffering with constipation and irregular stools since 5 years. When the girl use to say abdomen pain regularly then the parents got irritated and had a concern to investigate.
The paediatrician examined and advised for an investigation; USG abdomen.


Before Homoeopathic treatment:
After going through the reports, the doctor advised for surgery.
After hearing this, the parents got tensed and they opted for homoeopathic treatment.
After case-taking, examining the patient (McBurney’s point), considering the totality repertorizing the case, homoeopathic
similimum was prescribed.

The girl use to snore while sleeping due to hypertrophy of the tonsils.
o/e: there was a hypertrophied tonsil.
Sulphur iod 200 2 doses/15 days
After 15 days, the abdomen pain has reduced drastically, the girl use to pass the regular stools.
The appetite was improved well. The snoring while sleeping has also reduced drastically.
one more dose of sulphur iod 200 was prescribed and advised to visit after 15 days.
In the next follow-up the patient got much better, after examining (McBurney’s point) there was no tenderness. Then advised for a USG
abdomen & pelvis.


This patient used to have all kinds of junk foods (especially baked products) on a regular basis. As a result, constipation and irregular stool
habits were cultivated. After the homoeopathic treatment, the girl was advised strictly to avoid junk foods.
This case of a appendicitis is successfully treated with homoeopathic medicines where surgery has been avoided.
Children who ate fast food and fried foods more than three times per week were at a higher risk of developing appendicitis those who ate these foods less frequently.
Homoeopathic remedy for appendicitis is very effective and they will give long lasting relief.
The foods we consume can significantly impact our digestive health, and studies suggest that certain foods may increase the risk of developing appendicitis.
Declaration of Patient Consent
The patient gave voluntary written consent to share his clinical information in the journal. He had understood that his name and initials would not be included in the manuscript and efforts would be made to hide his identity, though the
anonymity could not be guaranteed. He was free to withdraw from the treatment at any point of time.
Authors’ Contribution
GK were involved in clinical study, data acquisition, data interpretation and preparation of the article; DW&PC were involved in literature search, clinical study and preparation of the article. All the authors reviewed and approved the final paper.

Acknowledgement: None
Conflict of Interest: None
Source of Funding: Non


  1. Wikipedia contributors. Appendicitis [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free
    Encyclopedia. 2023. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/
    index.php?title=Appendicitis &oldid=1146003988
  2. Mefanet C. Slovak medical faculties network. Acute appendicitis [Internet].
    Wikilectures.eu. [cited 2023 Mar 27]. Available from: https://
  3. Humes DJ, Simpson J. Acute appendicitis. BMJ [Internet].
    2006;333(7567):530-4. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/
  4. Appendectomy [Internet]. Hopkinsmedicine.org. 2019 [cited 2023 Mar 27].
    Available from: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment- tests-
  5. Kent JT. Lectures on homoeopathic materia medica: Together with Kent’s
    new remedies incorporated & arranged in one alphabetical order. B Jain;
  6. Homoeopath Software.
  7. Clarke JH. The Prescriber. 3rd edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd;
    2015: 80
  8. Homoeopathic medical repertory” by Dr. Robin murphy: a keynote study on
    different editions .
  9. Complete Repertory to the Homœopathic Materia Medica.

About Author

Dr.Prasoon Choudhary (Professor, Dept.of Pediatrics, Dr.M.P.K Homoeopathic medical College,
Hospital and Research Centre, Jaipur, Homoeopathy University, saipura-
Sanganer Jaipur -302029)
Dr.GuruKiran N., (Corresponding Author Practitioner Homoeo Hani Clinic,Chamarajanagar Karnataka.)
Dr.Deepa Warpudkar- Rajenimbalkar (Phd scholar,Dept of Pediatrics, Dr.M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Jaipur,
Homoeopathy University, Saipura—Sanganer Jaipur -302029)

Ablutophobia (fear of bathing) and Homoeopathy https://kavithakhomeo.com/ablutophobia-fear-of-bathing-and-homoeopathy/ Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:49:15 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6686 Ablutophobia (fear of bathing) and Homoeopathy Read More »


Ablutophobia is a relatively uncommon but serious situational specific phobia, characterized by extreme and irrational, persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning, that appears to be more prevalent in women and children. (Psora)


Latin- ablutere’ to wash off and phobos’ means fear.


There is evidence for a familial pattern of phobias. Hypervigilant individuals are more at risk. Phobias develop as a result of-

  • A negative experience with the object or situation (Psora/ Syphilis)
  • Combination of heredity, genetics, and brain chemistry with life-experiences (Psora/ Syphilis)
  • Exhibiting as from watching parents (Psora)
  • External events like traumatic events (Causa occasionalis)
  • Internal predispositions like heredity or genetics (Syphilis)
  • Specific triggering event, usually a traumatic experience at an early age (Causa occasionalis)

The symptoms vary by person depending on their level of fear. The symptoms typically include-

  • Chill/hot flushes
  • Choking sensation
  • Difficulty and shortness of breath
  • Dry mouth
  • Inability to articulate words or sentences
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Nausea
  • Rapid breathing
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Trembling

Clinical observations may reveal in a phobic person-

  • Ability to identify the reason for the anxiety
  • Anxious affect upon abrupt confrontation with the object of the phobia
  • Anxious mood
  • If comorbid conditions are present, possible suicidal or homicidal ideation
  • Neurovegetative signs, such as decreased sleep, appetite, and sex drive, as well as a decrease in motivation
  • Preserved insight which is usually impaired, especially during exposure
  • Thought content that is significant for phobic ideation, may be unrealistic and out-of- proportion fears

The mental status examination must include-

  • Appearance
  • Behavior
  • Ability to cooperate with the examination
  • Level of activity
  • Speech
  • Mood and affect
  • Thought processes and content
  • Insight
  • Judgment

The following tests may be needed-

  • 24-hour urine for 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)
  • Computed tomography (CT) of the head
  • Echocardiography
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) and cardiac enzyme tests
  • Electroencephalography (EEG) – Seizure disorders as these conditions may mimic anxiety
  • Fasting serum glucose
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Serum Calcium
  • Serum drug screening
  • Thyroid function tests

Systematic desensitization by relaxation therapy paired with graded exposure is very important tool. Counselling and psychotherapy are also beneficial. Homoeopathic treatment is most effective as it is based on the theory that mental symptoms are of prime importance in treating an individual.

Homoeopathic treatment

Remedies for Ablutophobia adam. aesc. aloe AM-C. am-m. ANT-C. Ant-t. Apis aq-mar. arg-n. arizon-l. ars. asar. aster. bamb-a. bar-c. bar-m. bell-p. bell. borx. bov. Bry. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. canth. Carb-v. carc. caust. Cham. chel. CLEM. Con. cupr. cycl. dulc. euphr. fl-ac. gast. GELS. glon. ham. Hep. Hyper. IOD. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-chl. KALI-I. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. kola lac-c. lac-cp. lac-e. LACH. Laur. Led. lyc. lyss. mag-c. Mag-m. marb-w. meph. merc. Mez. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. nit- ac. nux-m. nux-v. op. petr-ra. phos. phys. phyt. plut-n. podo. positr. psil. PSOR. puls. rad-br. RHUS-T. sanguis-s. Sars. Sec. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. stann. Staph. Stront-c. sul-ac. SULPH. sumb. syph. ther. tritic- vg. tung-met. vanil. Zinc.

Short repertory of Ablutophobia

GENERALS – BATHING – Affected part; bathing the plut-n.

GENERALS – BATHING – aversion to bathing aloe AM-C. am-m. ANT-C. aq-mar. bar-c. bar-m. bell-p. Bell. Borx. bov. Bry. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. Canth. Carb-v. carc. Cham. CLEM. Con. dulc. glon. Hep. kali-c. kali- chl. kali-m. Kali-n. kali-s. kali-sil. Laur. lyc. lyss. mag-c. marb-w. merc. Mez. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-p. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. phos. phys. podo. psil. PSOR. Puls. rad-br. RHUS-T. sanguis-s. Sars. SEP. sil. SPIG. stann. Staph. Stront-c. sul-ac. SULPH. syph. tritic-vg. Zinc.

GENERALS – COLD – bathing – desire for cold bathing – warm bathing; with intolerance for lac-cp.

GENERALS – COLD – bathing – desire for cold bathing aloe Apis arg-n. asar. aster. bell. caust. chel. dulc. euphr. fl-ac. Hyper. iod. lac-cp. Led. meph. nat-m. petr-ra. phyt. puls. sep. vanil.

GENERALS – FAINTNESS – steam bath; entering a Apis kali-bi. GENERALS – INJURIES – Nerves – cold bathing agg. bell-p.

GENERALS – TREMBLING – Externally – Feet, on washing merc.

GENERALS – WARM – bathing – agg. – hot bath APIS Arg-n. bamb-a. bell-p. Bell. Bry. Carb-v. GELS. ham. IOD. KALI-I. LACH. NAT-M. op. podo. Puls. Sec. spong. Sulph. tung-met.

GENERALS – WASHING clothes, laundry, ailments from am-c. ant-c. Calc. clem. nit-ac. phos. rhus-t. sep. spig. Sulph. ther.

GENERALS – WEAKNESS – feet, while washing the merc. GENERALS – WEAKNESS – sea-bath, after Mag-m.

GENERALS – WEAKNESS – warm – bathing; after aesc. lac-e. puls.

HEAD – BATHING – cold bathing agg. Ant-c. ars. bry. cycl. glon. lac-c. podo. zinc. HEAD – CONGESTION – Brain – bathing in hot water apis

HEAD – CONSTRICTION – washing agg.; after Ant-t. HEAD – EMPTY, hollow sensation – bathing kola HEAD – PAIN – bathing ant-c.

HEAD – PAIN – warm – washing the hands agg. phos. MIND – ANXIETY – bathing the feet; after nat-c. sep. MIND – ANXIETY – foot-bath; after a nat-c.

MIND – BATHING – aversion to bathe am-c. ant-c. clem. marb-w. nat-sil. positr. rhus-t. sulph. tritic-vg. MIND – BATHING – foot-bath; after lyc. nat-c. nat-m. phos. sep. zinc.

MIND – DISCOMFORT – bathing, after phys. MIND – EXCITEMENT – bath, during gast.

MIND – FEAR – bath; of taking a adam. ant-c. rhus-t. sep. spig. sulph. MIND – FEAR – washed; of being ant-c. sulph.

MIND – FEAR – water, of – washing hair cupr.

MIND – WASHING – aversion to wash Am-c. Ant-c. arizon-l. borx. calc. canth. Clem. kali-n. kali-p. marb-w. mez. nat-sil. nit-ac. podo. positr. psor. Rhus-t. sep. spig. stront-c. Sulph. tritic-vg. MIND – WASHING – feet; after washing nat-c.

MIND – WEEPING – washed in cold water, when ant-c. VERTIGO – WARM – washing agg. sumb.


Anxiety > Phobias Behavioral Medicine: A Guide for Clinical Practice, 4e

Anxiety Disorders > 3. Specific phobias CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Family Medicine, 4e… These phobias involve marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation (eg, flying, heights, receiving an injection). …

Chapter 19. Anxiety Disorders > Phobic Disorders: Specific Phobia & Social Phobia CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 2e

Chapter 21. Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder > Specific Phobias CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 2e… Specific phobias involve excessive fears of specific situations or circumstances. They often involve fears of situations that others might experience as mildly aversive or anxiety provoking (e.g., contact with snakes or spiders), but the phobic individual has an excessive reaction to those…

Chapter 41. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents > Avoidant Personality Disorder & Social Phobia CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 2e

Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics > 3. Specific Phobias CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics, 23e

Depression & Other Mental Health Issues > Social & Specific Phobias Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Geriatrics… Essentials of Diagnosis A phobia is an irrational fear leading to intentional avoidance of a specific feared object, event, or situation. Exposure to this phobic object may result in symptoms similar to those of a panic attack. Patient is aware that his or her fear…

Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

General Topics in Geriatric Psychiatry > Specific phobias and other specified anxiety disorder Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7e… The essence of a specific phobia is fear or anxiety about circumscribed objects or situations that is out of proportion to the actual risk posed, coupled with avoidance behavior. Other specified anxiety disorder is diagnosed when the anxiety features do not meet full criteria for a specific…

 Radar 10

The Mental Status, Psychiatric, and Social Evaluations > Phobias DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination, 10e… These are irrational fears of situations, events, or objects that produce uncontrollable fear and anxiety. Pathological phobias lead to alterations in social or psychological function. …

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© Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Antisocial Personality and Homoeopathy https://kavithakhomeo.com/antisocial-personality-and-homoeopathy-2/ Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:34:06 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6692 Antisocial Personality and Homoeopathy Read More »

Antisocial Personality-

Opposed to the rights of individuals or to the legal norms of society; e.g., the psychopath – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. con. cupr. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ilx-a. lyc. Nat-c. pseuts-m. Puls. sacch. sanguis-s. sel. stann. sulph. Syph.

Cardinal Features

Predatory attitude and behaviour toward others – ant-t. Ars. aur-m-n. aur-s. calc. cham. Chin. graph. Hyos. ip. Lyc. mag-c. Merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sep. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. verat.

Long-standing indifference to and repetitive violation of others’ rights – all-c. arge-pl. arizon-l. fl-ac. granit-m. kola Lac-cp. marb-w. Osteo-a. plat. podo. positr. sabad. sulph. urol-h.

Parasitic lifestyle – adam. ars. bism. gels. marb-w. nux-v. puls. sep. sil. stram.

Repetitive socially destructive behaviours- agar. anan. androc. apis aur-m-n. bac. Bell. bufo calc. Camph. canth. carbn-s. carc. Chel. Cimx. Con. Cupr. cur. dulc. fl-ac. gal-ac. hep. hura Hyos. iod. kali-p. lach. laur. lil-t. med. merc. merc-i-f. moni. morph. mosch. Nux-v. oena. op. ozone phos. plat. plb. prot. sec. sep. sol-t-ae. spong. staph. STRAM. stront-c. sulph. Tarent. tritic-vg. Tub. vanil. Verat. verat-v.

Absence of delusions or other signs of irrational thinking – falco-pe. sal-fr.

Absence of anxiety or other neurotic symptoms – Agar. anh. bell. calad. cocain. coff-t. falco-pe. galeoc-c-

h. gels. haliae-lc. hell. Ign. lac-del. loxo-recl. mosch. Op. ozone sil.

Absence of a life plan or ordered way of living – bar-act. BAR-C. carc. chin. cur. ham. hydrog. kali-p. KALI-S. Lac-lup. LYC. nat-c. nat-sil. nux-m. ONOS. ozone ros-d. Sacch-a. stann. SYMPH. tarent.

Social Aspects

Untrustworthy, unreliable – agar. anac. androc. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.

Evades responsibility – agar. aster. bamb-a. gels. Lac-ac. lac-h. lavand-a. limen-b-c. lyc. marb-w. Med. phos. tritic-vg.

Rejects obligations – calc-p. dulc. Kali-s. podo. ruta spong. tritic-vg.

Ruthless – abrot. absin. alco. ANAC. arizon-l. Ars. Aur. bell. bry. canth. carc. chin. chir-fl. choc. croc. crot-c. cur. cycl. dendr-pol. dream-p. falco-pe. haliae-lc. Hell. HEP. Hyos. Kali-i. kali-p. kola Lach. Laur. loxo-recl. lyss. marb-w. med. nicc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. op. ph-ac. Plat. plut-n. positr. sabad. sec. sel. squil. staph. Stram. sulph. tarent. verat.

Told a lot of lies – agath-a. alco. androc. arg-met. arg-n. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caust. coca con. dendr-pol. Kola lyc. med. merc. MORPH. nat-m. nux-v. olib-sac. OP. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Syph. tarent. thuj. Verat. Used an alias – ars. aur. BELL. camph. chlol. Chlor. choc. coca crot-c. cupr. cypra-eg. dulc. elaps eug. falco- pe. fic-m. galeoc-c-h. Hell. hippoc-k. hyos. Ign. kali-s. lac-h. lach. limest-b. marb-w. meli. op. plut-n. Puls. sal-fr. Sanguis-s. spong. staph. Stram. tarent. verat.

In trouble because failed to pay her/his bills/ dishonest – arg-n. ars. bry. calc. ferr. iod. lach. mag-c. puls. sil. sulph. tarent. thuj.

Multiple financial irresponsibilities – ars. cypra-eg. dulc. lyc. puls. SIL.

Multiple marriages /divorces /perfidious /Marital instability /Frequent marriages /Suddenly left /hit/unfaithful to spouse- Ars. LACH. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph.

Seriously hurt /neglected a child / Irresponsible parenting – aster. aur-ar. Aur-m. mur-ac. thuj.

Cavalier – acon. agar. alum. anac. arn. asar. aur. aur-m-n. aur-s. bac. bell. calc. cann-i. cann-xyz. carb-v. carc. Caust. chin. chir-fl. cic. cina coloc. con. cupr. cygn-be. daph. dulc. elaps ferr. ferr-ma. gard-j. gran. granit-m. grat. guaj. ham. hell. hott-p. Hyos. ign. ignis-alc. Ip. kali-c. kali-i. kola lac-leo. Lach. lap-la. lil-t. LYC. marb-w. merc. myric. nat-m. nitro-o. nux-v. Pall. par. phos. PLAT. podo. positr. Puls. rhus-g. rob. sabad. sal-fr. sec. sep. Sil. squil. Staph. Stram. stront-c. SULPH. thuj. tung-met. vanil. VERAT.

Acting wild – acon. acon-l. aids. ant-t. apoc. aur. bapt. bell. calc-p. camph. canth. carc. chinin-ar. chlf. chlol. chlor. choc. croc. cupr. cygn-be. fagu. hyos. lil-t. Lob-s. lyss. m-aust. med. meli. mosch. nat-s. op. petr. ph-ac. phos. Stram. tab. tarent. Verat.

Slept around with people he /she didn’t know very well – MIND – INDIFFERENCE – exposure of her person, to – corian-s. Hyos. petr-ra. Phos. Phyt. Sec. stram. verat., MIND – LIBERTINISM- act-sp. agar. aids. alum. anh. ant-c. arg-n. arn. bar-c. bell. calc. cann-i. Canth. carb-v. Caust. chin. con. dig. falco-pe. ferr-i. fl-ac. haliae-lc. hyos. ign. lac-f. lach. lyc. MED. merc. nat-m. Nux-v. Oncor-t. orig. petr-ra. ph-ac. Phos. pic-ac. Plat. puls. Raph. sel. sep. spong. Staph. stram. sul-ac. sulph. TUB. verat.

Earned money by pimping /prostitution – MIND – AMBITION – increased – money; to make – ars. calc. carc. lyc. nux-v. sulph., MIND – GAMBLING – passion for gambling – make money; to – bell. calc. lyc. mag-m. Merc. Nat-c. plat. puls. staph. sulph.


Unique and self-serving ideas of “right and wrong” /anal fixation – Kali-c. kali-s. kali-sil. sil. sulph. thuj. Lies easily, frequent lying not just to avoid negative consequences – agath-a. alco. androc. arg-met. arg-n. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caust. coca con. dendr-pol. Kola lyc. med. merc. MORPH. nat-m. nux-v. olib-sac. OP. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Syph. tarent. thal-xyz. thuj. Verat.

Does not believe her /his behaviours /crimes will be or should be punished – adam. aids. anac. androc. arizon-l. ars. aur-s. bell. camph. carc. Caust. chir-fl. choc. cygn-be. dioxi. DULC. ferr. ham. heroin. hydrog. hyos. ignis-alc. lac-h. Lach. limen-b-c. m-arct. Merc. nux-v. oncor-t. op. ozone plat. PODO. positr. ruta sal-fr. sep. sil. spong. sulph. symph. tax. temp. tritic-vg. ulm-c. vanil. verat.

Uses guilt inductions on others – cimic. coloc. hyos. plb.

Externalizes all responsibility – agar. aster. bamb-a. gels. Lac-ac. lac-h. lavand-a. limen-b-c. lyc. marb-w. Med. phos. tax. tritic-vg.

Blames others – Acon. aln. alum. ambr. arizon-l. ARS. aur. aur-ar. aur-m-n. aur-s. bell. borx. Calc. calc-p. camph. caps. carc. caust. cham. CHIN. cic. Dulc. fic-m. gran. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ign. ignis-alc. irid-met. kali-p. kali-s. lac-leo. LACH. Lil-t. Lyc. marb-w. MERC. mez. mosch. musca-d. nat-ar. Nat-m. neon nit-ac. Nux-v. par. petr. Ph-ac. podo. pseuts-m. rhus-t. sep. spong. Staph. suis-em. sulph. tax. tere-la. tritic-vg. tub. Vanil. VERAT.

Takes no responsibility for unfavourable outcomes – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.

Feels or believes self to be harassed/misused/victimized/persecuted – lac-lup. oncor-t. oxyg.

Resents – Acon. agar. aids. Aloe Alum. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Apis arg-n. arge-pl. arn. ARS. ars-s-f. astat. Aur. aur-ar. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bamb-a. Bar-c. Bell. bora-o. borx. Bov. Bufo CALC. calc-ar. calc-s. camph. cann-s. Caps. carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. CARC. carneg-g. CAUST. cench. cham. Chel. chin. chinin-ar. cic. cimic. Cina cinnb. Cocc. coff. Coloc. Croc. cupr. Cycl. dros. dulc. Foll. germ-met. Granit-m. Graph. ham. hell. hep. heroin. hyos. ign. IOD. irid-met. kali-n. kola Lac-c. lac-e. lac-leo. lac-lup. Lach. lanth-met. lap-la. lil-t. limest-b. loxo- recl. LYC. lyss. mag-s. marb-w. merc. merc-d. merc-i-f. mim-p. moly-met. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. oxyg. Pall. pert-vc. Petr. phos. Plat. plb. podo. positr. pseuts-m. Puls. ran-b. sacch-a. sanic. Sars. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. spong. stann. STAPH. stram. sul-ac. Sulph. Symph. syph. tarent. tax. teucr. thuj. TRITIC-VG. TUB. Vanil. Verat. viol-o. viol-t. Zinc. zinc-p.

Revengeful – am-c. ambr. aur-m-n. calc. crot-c. lach. med. NAT-M. neon Nit-ac. Nux-v. Ph-ac. pseuts-m. Rhus-g. stann. streptoc. stront-c. tax. tritic-vg. vip. zinc.

Distrusts – acon. alco. am-c. anac. arn. ars. aur. aur-m-n. bar-c. brom. cact. calc. carc. caust. chel. chin. cic. coff. Cupr. dros. graph. hyos. Ign. ip. kali-n. kali-s. lach. lact. LYC. m-arct. mang. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. oci-sa. op. petr-ra. ph-ac. PULS. sil. spig. stram. sulph. tax. thuj. verat.

Suspicious – ACON. adam. Aids. ambr. ANAC. anan. androc. ang. anh. ant-c. apis arge-pl. Arn. ARS. ars-s-f. Aur. aur-br. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bapt. bar-act. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bar-s. Bell. Borx. BRY. bufo Cact. cadm-met. calc. Calc-p. calc-s. CANN-I. cann-xyz. canth. caps. carb-v. carbn-s. carc. carneg-g. CAUST. CENCH. cham. chin. chinin-ar. CIC. Cimic. coca Cocc. con. cortiso. crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. Cupr. cygn-be. dendr-pol. DIG. Dros. Dulc. elaps falco-pe. galla-q-r. granit-m. graph. ham. Hell. heroin. hydrog. Hyos. ign. ip. KALI-AR. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-p. lac-cp. lac-leo. Lac-lup. LACH. LYC. Lycps-v. m-arct. macro. marb-w. Med. meli. meny. Merc. mez. moni. Morph. mur-ac. Nat-ar. Nat-c. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. nicc-met. Nit-ac. Nux-v. olib-sac. Op. pall. ph-ac. phasco-ci. Phos. plat. plb. plut-n. polys. positr. pseuts-m. psor. PULS. RHUS-T. ruta sacch-a. sal-fr. sanic. sarr. SEC. sel. Sep. sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. still. STRAM. streptoc. suis-hep. Sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. syph. thal-met. thuj. thyr. tritic-vg. urol-h. vanil. verat. Verat-v. viol-t.

Justifies behaviour with lies and manipulation – cot. heroin. lach. Puls. sanic. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent. thuj. tub.

Argues about “who’s in charge” – arn. cupr. DULC. falco-pe. lac-leo. Lyc. Phos. ruta spong. tax.

Petty – Ars. CHAM. cina coff. dros. hep. Ign. nit-ac. NUX-V. petr-ra. phos. sep. SIL. thuj.

Superficial relationships – Ars. LACH. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph.

A chronic pattern of infringement on the rights of others – arn. calc. Lyc. plat. staph.

Violates social codes by lies or deceits – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. con. cupr. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ilx-a. lyc. Nat-c. pseuts-m. Puls. sacch. sanguis-s. sel. stann. sulph. Syph.

Chronic speeder and drunk driver – anac. Ars. Bell. bry. cina Coff. Hell. Hep. lyc. merc. Stram. Zinc.

Reckless – agar. Arn. aur-m-n. aur-s. med. op. plat. rhus-g. spong. staph. tell.

Indifferent to the rights of others – adam. androc. ars. caust. germ-met. granit-m. ham. lach. marb-w. moni. nat-m. Nux-v. ozone plat. sacch-a. sep. SULPH.

Breaks rules – acon. agar. agn. alum. Am-c. am-m. Arg-n. arn. borx. bufo cact. calc. calc-p. canth. caps. carc. CAUST. Chin. cina colch. coloc. Dig. dulc. elae. fl-ac. guaj. hep. Lach. Lyc. mag-m. MED. MERC. moni. morph. nit-ac. nux-v. p-benzq. petr. petr-ra. phos. PLB. sacch. Sang. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. sulfonam. sulph. Syph. TARENT. Tub. Verat. viol-o. Viol-t. vip.

Rebellious – adam. Carc. CAUST. oncor-t.

Unprincipled and deceitful in dealing with others who have something he/she wants – bell. calc. lach. lyc. merc. puls. sil.

Ingratitude – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.

Arrogance- acon. agar. agn. alum. anac. ant-c. ant-m. ant-met. ant-t. arg-met. arg-n. arg-p. arn. ars. asar. astat. aur. aur-m. aur-m-n. aur-s. bac. bar-br. bar-i. bar-met. bell. bism-sn. cadm-m. cadm-met. cadm-s. caes-met. calc. cann-i. cann-xyz. carb-v. carc. Caust. chin. chir-fl. cic. cina cinnb. coloc. con. cupr. cupr-act. cygn-be. daph. dulc. elaps ferr. ferr-ma. gard-j. glon. gran. granit-m. Graph. grat. guaj. hafn-met. ham. hell. hep. heroin. hott-p. Hyos. ign. ignis-alc. ind. iod. Ip. irid-met. kali-c. kali-i. kola lac-f. lac-leo. Lach. lanth-met. lap-la. lil-t. lith-i. LYC. mang-i. marb-w. merc. merc-d. merc-i-f. moly-met. myric. nat-m. niob-met. nitro-o. nux-v. osm-met. Pall. par. phos. PLAT. plb. plb-m. plb-p. podo. polon-met. positr. Puls. rhen-met. rhodi. rhus-g. rob. rubd-met. ruth- met. sabad. sal-fr. sec. sep. Sil. squil. stann. Staph. Stram. stront-c. stront-m. stront-met. SULPH. tant-met. techn. tell. thal-met. thuj. tung-met. vanil. VERAT. Verat-v. zinc-i. zirc-met.

Sees aggressive persons as strong and prosocial persons as weak – ars. bell. meli. plb. ruta tab. zinc.

Unethical – ars. chin. lyc. oxyg. petr-ra. puls. sulph.

Unprincipled – agar. anac. androc. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.

Unscrupulous – arg-n. ars. bry. calc. ferr. iod. lach. mag-c. puls. sil. sulph. tarent. thuj.

Cavalier – alco. bell. calc. cann-i. cupr. ferr. ferr-ma. glon. hyos. ignis-alc. Lyc. phos. PLAT. stram. sulph. Verat.

Showy acts of devotion – perfidious – Ars. LACH. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. sep. sulph.

Disloyal – arg-n. ars. bry. calc. ferr. iod. lach. mag-c. puls. sil. sulph. tarent. thuj.

Untrustworthy – alco. arg-met. Arg-n. Morph. OP. thuj. Verat.

Unfaithful – anh. bell. calc. con. lyc. merc. op. sil. sulph.


Impulsivity- agath-a. alum. am-f. ARG-N. Ars. Aur. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bung-fa. cadm-met. camph. carc. caust. cere-b. choc. Cic. coca-c. croc. cupr. cupr-f. dendr-pol. ephe-si. fic-m. fl-ac. gins. hep. IGN. iod. irid-met. lac-e. lach. lith-c. lith-f. lith-i. lith-met. lith-p. lith-s. marb-w. med. merc. morph. nux-v. pert-vc. petr-ra. phos. PODO. PULS. rheum rhus-t. rubd-met. sacch-a. staph. symph. tarent. temp. thea tritic-vg. tung-met.

Impetuous – acon. Anac. arg-n. arn. Ars. aur. Bry. calc. calc-s. Carb-v. caust. Cham. cocain. croc. ferr. ferr-p. fic-m. glon. HEP. Hyos. ictod. ignis-alc. Iod. Kali-c. kali-i. kali-p. kali-s. lach. laur. led. mag-c. med. morph. nat-c. Nat-m. NIT-AC. NUX-V. olnd. petr-ra. phos. rheum SEP. Staph. stram. stront-c. sul-ac. Sulph. tab. thuj. Zinc. zinc-p.

Spur-of-the-moment – am-f. androc. bell. bros-gau. choc. coca-c. Coff. Dulc. fl-ac. hep. ign. ignis-alc. lac- loxod-a. Lach. lith-f. nux-v. op. oxal-a. spong. tax. tritic-vg. tung-met. ulm-c.

Short-sighted /Lack of long-term plans – conch. ham. ph-ac. podo.

Incautious – Anac. ars. bac. Carb-v. CAUST. chir-fl. dendr-pol. graph. hep. heroin. Kali-i. kola Lach. lyss. med. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. pitu-a. Sep. Staph. sulph. Tarent.

Imprudent – acon. agar. alum. arn. aur. aur-s. Bar-c. bov. bry. bufo calad. calc. camph. caps. caust. con. croc. cypra-eg. germ-met. graph. hyos. ign. kali-c. lac-f. lach. laur. lyc. meny. Merc. nat-m. Nux-v. op. phyt. plat. PULS. sep. spong. staph. Stram. sulph. verat.

History of drug /alcohol /etc. overuse /abuse (but this is not the cause of antisocial behaviours) – Absin. acon. adon. AGAR. agav-t. agn. ALCO. alum. am-m. anac. ange. anis. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apoc. apom. arg-met. arg-n. arn. ars. ars-s-f. Asaf. Asar. Aur. aur-m-n. Aur-s. Aven. bar-c. Bell. bism. borx. bov. Brucel. bry. bufo cadm-s. Calc. calc-ar. camph. cann-i. Caps. carb-ac. carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. card-m. caust. cham. Chel. chim. CHIN. Chin-su. chinin-m. cic. Cimic. coc-c. coca Cocc. Coff. con. croc. CROT-H. Cupr-ar. dig. Eup-per. Ferr. fl-ac. Gels. glon. Graph. Hell. hep. heroin. hydr. Hyos. ichth. Ign. ip. Kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. kola lac-ac. Lac-c. Lach. Laur. Led. lob. loxo-recl. lup. Lyc. mag-c. Med. meph. merc. mez. mosch. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-n. nat-s. Nux-m. Nux-v. olib-sac. op. passi. petr. ph-ac. Phos. pisc. plat. plb. plut-n. positr. psor. puls. Quas. Querc. querc-r. querc-r-g-s. RAN-B. raph. Rhod. Rhus-t. rumx. Ruta sabad. samb. sang. sars. sec. SEL. Sep. Sil. Spig. spong. staph. Stram. stront-c. Stroph-h. stry. Stry-n. Sul-ac. Sulph. SYPH. tarax. thuj. tub. valer. Vanil. Verat. Zinc.

Often likable – alco. apis dulc. hypoth. kali-s. phos. podo. tub.

Attractive /Engaging /Elegance /Centre of attention /Charming /Graceful – aur. m. chin. plat. Sil. Sul. verat.

Socially skilled /capable /effective – agar. aids. alco. caps. carc. kali-s. lac-h. lac-lup. lach. limen-b-c. nat-c. nat-p. olib-sac. PODO. sacch-a. stann. stront-c. sulph. tritic-vg. vanil.

Brags of unlikely resources /relationships /experiences /Tells tall tales – acon. alco. arn. ars. aur-m-n. aur-s. bell. calc. hydrog. lach. lil-t. Lyc. Med. merc. nat-m. nux-v. plat. puls. stram. SULPH. Verat.

Flip – calc. nat-m. plat. puls. sulph.

Glib – cann-i. cann-s. lachn. op.

Fast – cupr-act. hyos. kali-c. lach. ped. sacch-a. sil. thea

Overabundant ideas – adam. agar. aloe anac. ang. arg-n. arizon-l. carc. Chin. Chinin-s. chir-fl. Coff. cortico. crot-c. cupr. Ham. hydrog. ignis-alc. Kali-s. lach. lec. nat-m. nux-v. olnd. op. plb. polys. ruta sep. sul-ac. Sulph. tab. tritic-vg. ulm-c. vanil. visc.

Witty – aeth. alco. aran-ix. cann-i. caps. chlol. cocc. Coff. croc. dulc. hydr. Lach. olib-sac. Op. opun-s. spong. sulph. sumb. thea vanil. verat.

Word plays /puns – acon. alco. aloe alum. am-br. am-caust. androc. anh. arist-cl. ars. aur-m-n. bry. cann-i. Carb-v. carbn-o. caust. cham. chin. choc. cinnb. conv. crot-c. Dulc. GRAPH. guaj. hyos. hyper. ign. ip. kali-p. lac-ac. Lach. lat-m. loxo-recl. lyc. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. pall. par. ped. petr. plat. rad-br. rhus-g. rhus-r. ruta sacch-a. sacch-l. sal-fr. sec. SEP. stann. suis-hep. tarent. tax. verat.

Illegal or Immoral Activities

Lying – agath-a. alco. androc. arg-met. arg-n. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caust. coca con. dendr-pol. Kola lyc. med. merc. MORPH. nat-m. nux-v. olib-sac. OP. plat. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. Syph. tarent. thal-xyz. thuj. Verat.

Stealing – Art-v. BELL. bry. calc. carb-v. carc. caust. cic. Cur. gal-ac. hyos. kali-br. kali-c. lac-h. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mand. nat-c. nat-f. nat-m. Nux-v. op. oxyt. plat. PULS. sep. sil. staph. stram. Sulph. syph. tarent. thuj.

Swindling /Cheating – bell. calc. lach. lyc. merc. puls. sil.

Commission of /involvement in minor or serious illegal /delinquent acts – hep. nat-m. nit-ac.

Has conned /manipulated /cheated people out of their money /possessions – agar. anac. androc. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.

Predatory – ant-t. Ars. aur-m-n. aur-s. calc. cham. Chin. graph. Hyos. ip. Lyc. mag-c. Merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sep. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. verat.

Often victimizes the easiest /weakest members of society – ars. bell. meli. plb. ruta tab. zinc.

“White-collar” criminal – agar. anac. androc. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. aur-s. Bell. bufo calc. chin. chlol. chlor. coca corv-cor. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. dig. dros. fl-ac. hep. hyos. kola lac-leo. LACH. lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. morph. mosch. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr-ra. plat. plb. puls. Sacch-a. sep. sil. sulph. Tarent. thuj. verat.

From an early age: Criminal arrests /convictions served time Poor probation /parole risk – am-c. ars-s-f. kali-i. lil-t.

Many types of offences (including felonies) diagnosed as having antisocial personality – acon. aesc. alum. ambr. anac. Aur. Bar-c. carb-an. chin. cic. con. cupr. granit-m. heroin. Hyos. ilx-a. lyc. Nat-c. pseuts-m. Puls. sacch. sanguis-s. sel. stann. sulph. Syph.

Initiates physical fights – con. Dulc. HYOS. lyss. STRAM. TARENT.

Used a weapon in a fight – Alum. ars. chin. crot-c. der. Hep. Hyos. LYC. lys. Merc. nicc-met. Nux-v. plat. Stram. thea

Tortured animals – abrot. ars. MED. nit-ac.

Physically cruel to other people – Anac. ARS. Bell. med.

Has deliberately destroyed others’ property – agar. anac. anan. androc. apis aur-m-n. bac. bar-i. Bell. bufo calc. Camph. canth. carbn-s. carc. Chel. Cimx. Con. crot-c. Cupr. cupr-act. cupr-f. cupr-m. cupr-p. cur. dulc. fl- ac. gal-ac. hep. hura Hyos. Ign. iod. kali-p. lach. laur. lil-t. lith-i. mang-i. med. merc. merc-i-f. moni. morph. mosch. Nux-v. oena. op. ozone phos. plat. plb. prot. sec. sep. sol-t-ae. spong. staph. STRAM. stront-c. sulph. Tarent. tritic-vg. Tub. tung-met. vanil. Verat. verat-v. zinc-i.

Vandalizes /“messes up” property – androc. ant-met. Apis bell. calc. carbn-s. cypr. dulc. hura hyos. irid-met. lyss. med. Nux-v. pegan-ha. plut-n. sang. sep. sol-t-ae. Staph. Stram. sulph. tarent. Tub. verat.

Fire-setting – alco. ant-t. BELL. carc. HEP. hyos. phos. staph. stram.

Has forced someone into sexual activity with him /her – caust. chin. mag-c. nux-v. phos. positr. staph. verat.

Promiscuity – calc. canth. caust. ign. lach. Lyc. med. phos. plat. puls. Sabal staph. verat. vip.

For a Child:

Starting fights – anac. Androc. atro. bell. bov. bung-fa. chir-fl. cocc. Crot-c. Dendr-pol. DULC. falco-pe. ferr. granit-m. heroin. hipp. hyos. lac-ac. lac-d. lac-e. Lac-leo. lach. med. merc. Nux-v. ol-eur. pegan-ha. phasco-ci. sec. sulo-ac. symph. Tarent. tritic-vg. tub.

Vandalism – bufo carc. cupr. hyos. iod. lach. phos. stram. tarent. Tub.

Tortured /abused (“played tricks on”) animals /pets – abrot. ars. MED. nit-ac.

Early and extensive drug / alcohol use – acon. Apoc. bell. Op.

Behaviour difficulties – agar. anac. bufo cham. cina cupr. ferr. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. med. merc. nux-v. p-benzq. plat. psor. rhus-t. staph. stram. sulph. syph. tarent. thuj. Tub. verat. zinc.

Theft – Art-v. BELL. bry. calc. carb-v. carc. caust. cic. Cur. gal-ac. hyos. kali-br. kali-c. lac-h. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mand. nat-c. nat-f. nat-m. Nux-v. op. oxyt. plat. PULS. sep. sil. staph. stram. Sulph. syph. tarent. thuj.

Incorrigibility /perseverance – acon. alum. Ars. aur-s. bry. caps. chir-fl. cupr. dig. dros. Dulc. Ferr. guare. Lac-c. lach. lim. linu-c. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. senec. Sil. spong. sulph. thal-met.

Running away overnight – Puls.

Bad associates – ars. chin. lyc. oxyg. petr-ra. puls. sulph.

Impulsivity – acon. adam. agar-st. all-s. alum. anac. androc. arg-n. ars. bac. Bar-p. bell. bufo bung-fa. cact. Calc. cann-i. carc. caust. cham. chin. coca-c. coff. crot-c. Dendr-pol. dig. ferr. fl-ac. fl-pur. glon. hep. hyos. iod. kali-i. kali-s. lac-h. lac-leo. lach. lil-t. lyc. Lyss. mag-c. mang. merc. mez. naja nicc-met. nux-v. op. opun-s. Orig. phos. phys. Plat. podo. positr. psor. sal-fr. sep. staph. stram. sulph. syph. tarent. tax. thea Thlas. thuj. TUB. valer. verat. Recklessness /irresponsibility – aids. arizon-l. Aur. caps. cic. dendr-pol. galla-q-r. meny. petr-ra. PULS. temp. tub.

Slovenly appearance – arizon-l. aur-s. calc. cocain. conch. dream-p. ephe-si. kola lac-h. lac-mat. nat-sil. oxyg. petr-ra. phyt. positr. psor. SULPH. tax.

Lack of guilt – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.

Pathological lying – alco. arg-n. calc. coca Morph. nux-v. OP. Syph. Verat.

Trouble with the police /juvenile or school authorities – AGAR. anac. apis aur. calc. Caps. caust. gal-ac. hyos. lyc. merc. plat. puls. sacch. sep. Tarent. verat.

Truancy /plays a lot of hooky – agar. bar-c. caust. hyos. kali-c. kali-sil. mag-c. phos. plb. spong.

Has been a discipline problem /expelled /suspended from school – ars. calc. limen-b-c. morph. nat-m. syph.


Does not believe she /he will be blamed /caught /punished /Confident – adam. agam-g. Aids. Alum. ang. arizon-l. Buteo-j. carc. chlam-tr. choc. corian-s. cygn-be. dream-p. Falco-pe. ferr. fic-m. gard-j. ham. heroin. Irid-met. kali-p. kali-s. Kola lac-e. lac-h. lyc. nept-m. nux-v. olib-sac. pert-vc. plat. plut-n. podo. positr. querc-r. Rhus-g. ruta sal-fr. senec. Spect. spong. sulfonam. sulph. symph. temp. tritic-vg. vanil. verat.

Low planning of escape – act-sp. agar. agn. Ail. aloe Alum. ambr. Anac. Apis arn. asar. Aster. bamb-a. BAPT. berb. bry. caps. carb-ac. Carb-v. casc. CHIN. coca con. corn. dros. echi. ferr. ferr-p. Gels. gins. graph. ham. hyos. iod. ip. kali-bi. kali-n. kola lac-ac. laur. LEC. limen-b-c. Lyc. med. mez. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-m. nauf-helv-li. nit-ac. NUX-M. Nux-v. olib-sac. olnd. Op. ozone par. petr. PH-AC. PHOS. phyt. pic-ac. plan. plb. ptel. rhod. rhus-t. rumx. ruta sabad. Sars. sel. sep. Sil. spong. SQUIL. Staph. stram. thea Vanil. verat. wies. zinc.

No consideration of alternatives or consequences – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.

Projects blame – ars. bell. hyos. lach. verat.

Rationalizes – aster. carc. chir-fl. fic-m. heroin. KALI-S. lac-f. marb-w. sal-fr. tax. Tritic-vg. vanil.

Machiavellianism – cot. heroin. lach. Puls. sanic. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent. thuj. tub.

Ends justify any means – agar. anac. androc. anh. aq-mar. aq-pur. arizon-l. ars. asaf. aur-m-n. bar-s. bell. Calc. calc-f. caust. cench. chin. choc. cic. crot-t. cygn-be. cypra-eg. granit-m. heroin. hydrog. ign. ignis-alc. Kola lac-h. lach. Lyc. marb-w. Med. merc. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. Nux-v. oncor-t. Oxyg. ozone Pall. petr-ra. phasco-ci. phos. PLAT. plb. positr. Puls. pyrus sacch. sal-fr. senec. sep. sil. staph. stront-c. Sulph. tarent. tax. thuj. tub. ulm-c. valer. Verat.

Does not profit from experience of punishment, low insight – conch. ham. ph-ac. podo.

Average or above-average intelligence – alum. am-c. ant-c. ant-met. bell. bufo calc. carc. con. gaert. glycyr-g. Graph. irid-met. lach. Lyc. nicc-s. osm-met. Petr. phos. plat. sil. sulph. tub.


Lacking in remorse /guilt /regret /victim empathy – ars. bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. lyc. nat-m. nux-v. PLAT. puls. sil. staph. Sulph. tarent.

Insensitive / Callous /Emotionally detached – acet-ac. Acon. adam. agar. agn. ail. ambr. anac. androc. Apis arg-n. arn. Ars. asaf. Aur. Aur-m. aur-m-n. bamb-a. bapt. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. buth-a. CADM-MET. calc. cann-s. canth. caps. CARB-V. carneg-g. cham. chin. choc. cic. Cimic. Cina con. croc. cypr. cystein-l. cyt-l. dig. Falco-pe. fl-ac. Gels. germ-met. gink-b. glyc. granit-m. Ham. Hell. heroin. hydr. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. indol. irid- met. kali-ar. kali-chl. kali-m. Kali-p. kali-s. kola Lac-h. lach. lepi. lil-t. Lyc. mag-c. meny. Merc. merl. mez. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. Nat-sil. nit-ac. Nit-s-d. nux-m. Nux-v. Op. ozone petr-ra. PH-AC. Phos. phyt. Pic-ac. pitu. Plat. podo. polys. Positr. psil. Puls. pycnop-sa. Rheum rib-ac. sal-fr. sec. sel. Sep. stann. STAPH. sulph. syph. tax. thuj. THYR. verat. ziz.

Lacks compassion – adam. am-c. anac. androc. arg-met. ars. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. chir-fl. con. DIG. falco-pe. granit-m. ham. ignis-alc. lac-h. lac-leo. marb-w. nat-m. nat-sil. nit-ac. op. ozone pall. pant-ac. plat. plut-n. puls. sep. staph. sumb. tax.

Hardened – adam. aids. alco. Anac. arizon-l. ars. aur-ar. bism. bism-sn. cadm-met. cadm-s. cench. chin. con. croc. cupr. haliae-lc. hep. heroin. hyos. Kali-i. kali-p. lac-leo. Laur. lil-t. lyss. nat-m. neon Nit-ac. nux-v. Op. par. plat. positr. sabad. Sep. squil. sulph. verat.

Cold-blooded – anac. Lac-h. plut-n. tax.

Low motivation to change – aids. bell. calc. cham. dulc. ferr. ferr-p. haliae-lc. ham. irid-met. kali-p. kali-s. lach. lyc. nit-ac. nux-v. olib-sac. podo. polys. positr. ruta sacch-a. sal-fr. sanic. sil. spong. squil. stram. sulph. symph. Vanil.

Shallow affects /No deep or lasting emotions – caust. ferr. lach. lyc. merc.

Irritability – brass-n-o. brom. carc. dulc. hir. hydrog. limest-b. med. Psor. spong. vanil.

Aggressiveness – Acon. acon-c. acon-l. Aeth. AGAR. agn. alco. aloe alumn. Anac. androc. ant-t. Apis arg-met. arg-n. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. Atro. aur. bar-c. BELL. bora-o. Borx. bry. bufo calc. Camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. CANTH. carb-v. Carbn-s. cardios-h. Caust. cere-s. cham. chel. chin. chin-b. chinin-s. chlor. choc. cic. cimic. Cimx. cina cocc. Colch. coloc. con. cori-r. croc. crot-c. crot-h. Cupr. cygn-be. cyn-d. dig. dros. dulc. elec. eupi. falco-pe. fl-ac. galla-q-r. gels. germ-met. glon. graph. grat. haliae-lc. Hell. hep. heroin. HYOS. hyper. ign. iod. irid-met. jatr-c. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. LAC-C. lac-cp. lac-e. lac-leo. Lach. lat-h. Lil-t. lob. Lol. loxo-recl. LYC. lyss. m-ambo. manc. med. melal-alt. meli. Merc. merc-cy. merc-meth. MOSCH. murx. nat-c. Nat-m. neon Nit- ac. nux-m. nux-v. oena. olib-sac. olnd. OP. oper. opun-s. opun-v. oxal-a. ozone par. petr. petr-ra. ph-ac. Phos. plat. plb. plut-n. positr. psor. Puls. raja-s. raph. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sal-fr. sang. Sec. seneg. sep. Sol-ni. spect. staph. STRAM. streptoc. stry. sul-ac. sulo-ac. Sulph. Tab. taosc. tarent. thal-xyz. Thuj. thyr. Trios. tub. VERAT. vip. xanth. zinc.

Short-tempered /petulant – acon. alco. am-c. Ant-c. ant-t. aur. bamb-a. Calc. calc-p. calc-s. caps. carb-ac. Cham. cina clem. cocc. cop. corn. kali-c. lyc. merc-c. nat-ar. nux-m. olnd. opun-s. phos. rat. Rheum staph. sulph. syph. tritic-vg. zinc.

“Bottled-up” anger – acon. agar. anac. ars. aur. Aur-m-n. aur-s. bamb-a. carc. cham. cocc. COLOC. colum-p. Cortico. crot-c. cupr. dendr-pol. falco-pe. fum. Germ-met. gink-b. haliae-lc. hell. hep. Ign. ilx-a. Ip. kali-c. lachn. LYC. lyss. mag-m. mag-p. Moni. Nat-m. phos. pin-con. podo. pot-e. puls. ruta sep. spect. spong. STAPH. stront-c. tritic-vg. tus-p. ulm-c. vanil.

Intolerance of delayed gratifications – arg-n. cann-i. galeoc-c-h. lach. med. nat-p. Nux-m. nux-v. sul-ac. TARENT. tax.

Easily provoked to violence – ferr. plut-n.

Low frustration tolerance – ars. bar-c. carbn-s. caust. cham. choc. con. dulc. ferr-p. ferr-p-h. galeoc-c-h. heroin. irid-met. lac-e. lac-h. lac-leo. merc. nux-v. positr. psor. streptoc. suprar. taosc. Tritic-vg. ulm-c.

Deficient emotional arousal – dioxi. lac-lup. NAT-SIL. phasco-ci.

Stimulation /thrill seeking – carb-v. carc. cot. heroin. Med. nat-s. Plat. puls. TUB.

Easily bored – acon-ac. agam-g. Alum. alumn. am-f. ambr. amph. androc. Ant-c. arb-m. arizon-l. ars. aur. aur-m. aur-s. bamb-a. bar-c. berb. borx. brass-n-o. cain. calc. CALC-P. camph. canth. Caps. carb-an. carc. cere-s. chin. choc. Clem. Con. croc. cupr. cur. cygn-be. cystein-l. des-ac. dream-p. elaps ferr. galeoc-c-h. germ-met. heroin. hippoc-k. hura hydr. hydrc. Hydrog. ign. ip. irid-met. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-i. kali-n. kiss. lac-c. lac-d. Lac-e. lac-h. lach. laur. lavand-a. led. lil-t. lith-f. LYC. mag-c. mag-m. manc. MERC. mez. mosch. naja Nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nat-sil. nit-ac. Nux-v. olib-sac. ozone paull. petr. phasco-ci. phos. pieri-b. pip-m. plat. Plb. podo. positr. ran-b. rhus-t. sal-fr. sinus. Spig. spira. spirae. sulph. tab. taosc. tarent. Thuj. tub. ven-m. verat. zinc.

Vocational Aspects

Unstable employment /Quit a job impulsively /without another to start – Acon. alum. androc. anh. ant-c. apis arg-n. asaf. bism. borx. canth. cortico. DULC. graph. grat. haliae-lc. ign. Kola Lac-c. Lach. LIL-T. lyc. Med. nat-sil. nauf-helv-li. Nux-m. nux-v. petr. pin-s. plan. ruta sanic. Sil. spong. stann. sul-ac. sulph. tritic-vg. vanil. verat.

Fired /ardent – alum. ant-m. apis ara-maca. aur-m. aur-m-n. cadm-m. Carc. caust. chin. chlor. cob-m. cupr-m. cygn-be. ignis-alc. Lach. lith-m. loxo-recl. Med. Merc. merc-d. nitro-o. Nux-v. petr-ra. phos. Plat. plb-m. rubd- met. sanguis-s. sol-ecl. stann. Stram. stront-m. sulph. sumb. vero-o.

Ran away – arg-n. ars. aur. carc. kali-p. lyc. sil.

Didn’t work because he /she “just didn’t want to” – acon-l. agar. am-c. anac. androc. ange-s. arb-m. arn. ars. ars-h. asar. aur-m. Brom. calc. chinin-s. cimic. Con. cop. fl-ac. gels. graph. hipp. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. Kali-p. kali-s. Kola lac-ac. Lach. laur. lil-t. limen-b-c. lyc. mag-s. nat-ar. nat-c. nux-v. Ph-ac. Phyt. Puls. rhod. rhus-t. SEP. stann. stram. sulph. syph. tax-br. ther.

Court-martialed / demoted – agar. anac. Carc. chin. cupr. dam. ign. nat-m. podo. tarent.

Missed a lot of work – acon-ac. adam. androc. anh. apis arg-n. ars. bamb-a. bar-s. calc. chir-fl. coli. dendr-pol. dream-p. dulc. falco-pe. hydrog. irid-met. kali-p. Kali-s. lac-mat. lar-d. lyc. Med. miml-g. nat-m. nauf-helv-li. nux-v. oncor-t. ozone petr-ra. plat. plb. Podo. sal-fr. scler. sil. streptoc. sulph. tax. vanil.

Lack of career or other long-term plans – conch. ham. ph-ac. podo.

  1. RADAR 10
  2. ABC of Psychological Medicine- Baraque
  3. Applying Psychology to Everyday Life – A Beginner’s Guide
  5. BlueprintsSeries_Psychiatry3ed2004Murphy
  6. Current Diagnosis and Tretment in Psychiatry
  7. Encyclopedia_of_Psychotherapy_-_Michel_Hersen
  8. Essentials-of-Child-Psychopathology
  9. Fish_s_Clinical_Psychopathology
  10. Gelder-New_Oxford_Textbook_of_Psychiatry.2003
  11. Green-Child_and_Adolescent_Clinical_Psychopharmacology.3ed
  12. Handbook-of-Personality-Disorders-Theory-and-Practice-Jeffrey-J-Magnavita
  13. Identification-of-Common-Mental-Disorders-and-Management-of-Depression-in-Primary-Care
  14. Jacobson-Psychiatric_Secrets.The_Secrets_Series.2ed.
  15. Jung-C-G-The-Psychological-Types
  16. Kaplan_Textbook_of_Psychiatry_with_images.7ed
  17. Lewis-Child_and_Adolescent_Psychiatry-A_Comprehensive_Text
  18. Mental-Diseases-and-Their-Treatment1901
  19. Over-50-Psychological-Perspectives
  20. Passionate Medicine
  21. Personality Disorders and Older Adults
  22. Personality-Disorders-Theory-and-Practice
  23. Personology-psychopathology
  25. psychologists.book.of.personality.tests
  26. Psychology of Suicide and murder
  27. Severe personality disorders
  28. Strongman_The Psychology of Emotion 5th ed
  29. textbook-of-biological-psychiatry
  30. The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders

About Author

© Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

CASE OF INFERTILITY TREATED WITH ONCHORYNCHUS TSCHAWYTHSCHA https://kavithakhomeo.com/case-of-infertility-treated-with-onchorynchus-tschawythscha/ Sat, 13 Jan 2024 13:19:33 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6615 CASE OF INFERTILITY TREATED WITH ONCHORYNCHUS TSCHAWYTHSCHA Read More »

Published in The Hahnemannin Homoeopathic Sandesh, Issue II, Volume II, 26th November 2023

This was a case of a 39 years old woman whom I saw in 2010, with depressed facial expression.

Height and Weight: 5ft 5″, 200lb, Fair & Obese

Abstract: Infertility is the medical term for when you can’t get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year, for most couples.

Infertility affects men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB) and women and people assigned female (AFAB) at birth equally. Infertility is very common. In the United States, 1 in 5 women between 15 and 49 years old struggle with primary infertility and about 1 in 20 women struggle with secondary infertility. Approximately 48 million couples live with infertility around the world.

Types of infertility include:

•Primary infertility: You’ve never been pregnant and can’t conceive after one year (or six months if you’re 35 or older) of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse.

•Secondary infertility: You can’t get pregnant again after having at least one successful pregnancy.

•Unexplained infertility: Fertility testing hasn’t found a reason that a person or couple is unable to get pregnant.

Presenting Symptoms

Chief complaint is unable to conceive, with high desire for a baby.

Tried all modes of treatment for 5-6 years with no result.

Also In-vitro fertilization treatment thrice in 2 years.

Loves to do Excercise & dance

Putting on weight

Seeing other friends  having a baby makes her overwhelmingly depressed as nothing was working for her.

She moved to United states 10yrs back since then has sensation of not feeling at home, wanted to reconnect with home.

She feels like she is stuck here in a  different country, and feels insecure and not having a baby makes her feel bad, a sensation of feeling trapped & longing to be free.

Very organized, perfectionist & disciplined

Has lower back pain during menses.

Headache when thinking about not having baby

Past History

As a child felt rejected by mother who is overcontrolling.

Frequent attacks of cold and diarrhoea

Physical Generals

  • Thermal: Towards chilly but sometimes she feels very hot.
  • Appetite:Good
  • Thirst: Thirsty all the time.
  • Tongue: Cracked tongue.
  •  Desires Lettuce, sweet and salty things
  • Aversion to Fish, Salmon
  • Sleep: Sleepiness all the time. Not refreshing.
  • Sweating: She used to feel like sweating but never experiences palpable sweat.
  • Urine: NAD
  • Skin: Pale, yellowish complexion. Acne scars on face.

Menstrual History:

Menarche at age 16. Irregular. Sometimes delayed 2-3 months.Flow 4-5 days.

Leucorrhea, offensive vaginal discharge after menses

Obstetric history: Nil

Mental Generals:

Dreams of water, or drowned by floods.

Dreams of snakes all around.

Dreams of wedding, rings are shared

Desire to travel, walks very fast, love to walk long distances from starting point to end point where she likes making circles while walking.

From childhood quarrels with mother using a lot of “F” words.

Depression from repeated failure of IVF.

Loves animals

Aversion to company

Family History:

Mother also had PCOS symptoms. Father Diabetic

Case Analysis & Rubrics selection:

Desire to dancing


Desire to go home

Aversion to company

Dreams of snakes,water,flood,wedding

Love animals

Back pain during menses

Headache aggravated by thinking of it

Leucorrhoea offensive menses after

Desire traveling

Desire sweets and salty

Aversion to fish salmon

Cracks fissures tongue

Repertorization using Zomeo Software

Rubrics considered for this case are:

[Mind]Dancing, behavior:Desire, to:(…)

[Mind]Perfectionist, general, (see Fastidious):(7)


[Mind]Home:Go, desire to:(73)

[Mind]Company:Aversion to:(408)



[Mind]Dreams:Water:Flood, of a:(51)


[Mind]Love:Animals, for:(41)

[Menstruation and Discharges]During menses:Backache:(6)

[Head]Pain, headache:Thinking of pain:Agg.:(32)

[Female Genitalia]Leucorrhea:Offensive: Menses:After:(6)

[Mind]Travelling, general:Desire, to:(41)

[Generalities]Food and drinks:Salt or salty food:Desires:Sweets, and:(…)

[Generalities]Food and drinks:Fish:Aversion:(37)

[Generalities]Food and drinks:Salmon:Aversion:(1)

[Mouth]Cracks, fissures:Tongue:(132)


Rubrics being covered by Sepia in this case include:

[Mind]Dancing, behavior:Desire, to:+2


[Mind]Company:Aversion to:+3

[Mind]Travelling, general:Desire, to:+1

[Mind]Love:Animals, for:+1

[Mind]Dreams:Snakes: +1

[Mind]Dreams:Water: +1

[Menstruation and Discharges]During menses:Backache:+1

Themes of the animal kingdom are more in this client. Based on the repertorization Sepia seemed to be the best remedy as it covered all the characteristic symptoms of the case.

Remedy & Potency

Gave Sepia 1m, 3 doses for one day once a month . Repeated for 3 months

First Follow up after 3 months

Doing good not yet Conceived but was Very happy and positive. Gave Sepia 10m 3 doses. Gave Folliculinum 30 as intercurrent remedy 3 doses once a month. Pink 12 given daily alternated with Orange 12 c.

Second Follow up after 6 months

Since the patient was not conceiving but had improvement overall, I thought of trying a different remedy,  Salmon.

In 2008 I got the opportunity to join Jeremy Sherr’s course on Nobel gases and Onchorynchus Tschawythscha (Salmon), so I was very curious to give Salmon as it was covering most of the symptoms shown by the patient.

Confirmatory rubrics of Onc-t :

Mind Dancing: +1

Mind Home , desires to go : +2

Mind Company, aversion to: +1

Dreams Snakes: +1

Dreams Water: +2

Dream Floods: +1

Dream Wedding: +1

Mind Animals, love for animals: +1

Mind Travelling, desire for: +2

Generalities, Food and drinks: Salmon, Aversion: (1)

Month cracked, tongue fissured:+1

After Repertorization and Remedy Confirmation

Gave Onchorynchus Tschawythscha (Salmon) 200c TDS for one day once a month and told to repeat monthly. Since they were going to India, they were provided enough remedies to carry with them and every month follow up was scheduled through phone call. She was also given Pink 12c, Orange 30c & Sound D every other week for a couple of months.

In Complete repertory Mind,Grief, Sterility, from only one remedy listed that was Onc-T

References American Homeopath 2000 About remedy Chinook Salmon: Prepared using eggs, sperm and blood  Proved by Dynamis School, Jeremy Sherr, F

    Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, proved by my students in The Dynamis School, was made from a wild Chinook salmon using eggs, sperm and blood. The remedy embodies the whole cycle of life. The wild salmon circles thousands of miles of ocean to return to the river of its birth. There, it spawns another generation before it dies. The salmon’s trip upstream is a struggle to overcome obstacles and requires extreme muscle control and strength.

Provers experienced deep, intense grief and sadness, not knowing where they were going but longing and searching for a home. Conversely, they felt trapped in the house, desired to walk for miles and wanted to travel great distances.

    There was yearning for a soulmate, for finding true love and great disappointment for lost love. Control is a big issue in the remedy, either loss of control or overcontrol, especially a mother’s tendency to control her children.

    Having babies is a dominant feature of Oncorhynchus with many symptoms related to conception, infertility and high sexual energy. Water figures prominently in the proving in many physical symptoms and dreams. Interestingly, all sorts of floods occurred in the provers’ houses as sinks, toilets and tubs overflowed.

    Rings are present in the proving, in dreams and as jewelry, symbolizing both the theme of weddings and the circular motion of the salmon’s life journey. Additionally, provers showed great sympathy for animals.

As per Jeremy Sherr Notes: ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA (PACIFIC SALMON) THEMES that matches with the symptoms of the patient.














Follow up after 10 months

She was able to conceive.

After 9 months of healthy pregnancy and normal delivery was blessed with a baby boy.  Both mother and child were doing good.

Differential Diagnosis remedies


It is one of the good remedy for Infertility,here in this case patient had traumatic childhood due to over controlling mother so had suppressed anger insecurity and low self esteem in childhood repressed and presented through multiple dreams along with her irregular menses,depressed sulky nature ,perfectionist nature pointing towards sepia hence was given as a constitutional which did not work.

Natrum Muriaticum

Desire to dance, Perfectionist, desire to go home, aversion to company, dreams of water, love for animals, aversion to fish, cracks on tongue were covered.

It is also one of the best remedy for infertility,very depressed ,melancholic,sad, reserved ,want to be alone, aversion to company ,suppressed grief, perfectionist, fastidious,weepy on small matters, want sympathy but consolation aggravate the symptoms,she thinks she is being pitied by others for her misfortune and gets hurted.Recollect past unpleasant memories and dwells on them after getting hurt in relationship patient develops fear for getting attached with someone.


Symptoms that are covered are fastidious, desire to go home, dreams of water, love for animals, aversion to fish. Cracks on tongue.

One of the best remedy for female problems like PCOD , infertility. In these patients changeable nature is very marked , patient is very irritable , touchy, mild gentle, easily irritated, sadness weeping ,despair despondent, desire for open air .

This remedy is very useful in regulating the menses , in cases of amenorrhoea it helps to establish the flow, leucorrhoea and other abnormal vaginal discharges also can be successfully treated with this medicine, this also frequently use in cases of PMS, dysmenorrhoea, during pregnancy.


This remedy can be considered as intercurrent if there was no improvement. Symptoms that are covered are desire to dance, perfectionism desire to go home, aversion to company. Desire to travel. Dreams of snakes, dreams of water, dreams of weddings and love for animals.

Kali Carb:

Backache during menses, being perfectionist aversion to company, dreams of snakes, dreams of water, cracks on tongue are covered

Color & Sound remedies:

Color remedies work on the energetic or Etheric Body that holds each Chakra.

Sound remedies address the mental level  or Astral Body.

They have organ affinities, act on glandular systems.

They stimulate the physical organs and ductless glands associated with each chakra. They energize the field, open & balance so energy flows freely throughout our system.

Pink remedy acts on Heart chakra. Acts on Thymus gland. Motherly nature.

Color Pink: It acts on Heart Chakra, deals with issues of Peace, love & joy

Feelings of love are weakened by grief, Disappointments, Loss & Separation

Relieve stress. Element: Air

Color Orange: It acts on Sacral Chakra, Sound D and deals with issues of Abundance, Pleasure, Peace & Wisdom

Acts on Endocrine Glands – Ovaries, Testicles

Given to people who are depressed. Element: Water

Sound remedies were made using Tuning forks in the vibration of the musical notes to pure water in a crystal bowl.

Preparation and application of remedies are based on homeopathic principle.

Conclusion: Based on holistic approach, even rarely used remedies when given on correct Similimum, give positive results, as seen in this case.


American Homeopath 2000 About remedy Chinook Salmon by dynamis school /Jeremy Sherr

Healing and Health with Homeopathic Color and Sound Remedies, by Ambika Wauters

About Author:

Dr Kavitha Kukunoor graduated with BHMS in 1995  and moved to the United States in 1998, she got nationally board certified by the Council for Homeopathic certification as CCH.  She is a registered member of North American Society of Homeopaths as RSHom(NA) and Certified HP Supervisor in Homeoprophylaxis.She is President & CEO – Kavitha Holistic Approach and Founder & Director of KHA Homeopathy Study Group – Pro Bono. She received many awards to name few prestigious North America Homeopathic Award – “Martha Oelman Community Service award 2021” from national center for homeopathy (NCH), USA. “Best Entrepreneur Award” in 2021 , Legendary Homeopath Award 2022, Women of the Year 2023 etc.  She is ACHENA Accredited CPD Provider and Author of two books- “Beyond the limits – A challenge to prove oneself” & “A Dose of Spirituality with Kavitha”. Www.kavithakhomeo.com/ www.beyondthelimitskukunoor.com

Homoeopathy a Dynamic science of treating Surgical Conditions https://kavithakhomeo.com/homoeopathy-a-dynamic-science-of-treating-surgical-conditions/ Wed, 10 Jan 2024 18:30:21 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6610 Published in The Homoeopathic Heritage, December 2023 Issue

About Author

Dr Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RS Hom (NA), C.HP. President & CEO – KHA, LLC Founder & Director – KHA Homoeopathy Study Group Pro Bano


Cluster Headaches: Etiology, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, and Homeopathic Treatment https://kavithakhomeo.com/cluster-headaches-etiology-pathogenesis-symptoms-and-homeopathic-treatment/ Wed, 27 Dec 2023 11:53:04 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6608 Cluster Headaches: Etiology, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, and Homeopathic Treatment Read More »

©Dr Deepak Sharma


Cluster headaches are a debilitating type of primary headache characterized by cyclical patterns of acute, one-sided pain, often centered around the eye. The exact cause remains unknown, but the hypothalamus, genetic predispositions, neurotransmitter fluctuations, and circadian rhythm irregularities may be involved. The pathogenic mechanism is thought to involve the activation of the trigeminal nerve, causing inflammation and blood vessel dilation. Cluster headache symptoms include excruciating pain, lacrimation, ocular redness or swelling, nasal congestion, facial erythema, and agitation. Potential interventions include biofeedback, aromatherapy, hydration, exercise, rest, dietary modifications, herbal and vitamin supplementation, and stress management techniques. Homeopathic remedies are also available, although scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness is limited.

Causative Factors and Risk Elements:

Although the precise causation of cluster headaches remains elusive, prevailing theories posit that anomalies within the hypothalamus—a diminutive region of the brain governing an array of physiological functions—may be implicated. Risk elements encompassing cluster headaches include age (predominantly affecting males aged 20 to 50), tobacco consumption, alcohol intake, and familial predisposition to the condition.

Etiological Considerations: While the exact etiology of cluster headaches has yet to be elucidated, numerous factors have been implicated in their manifestation. These encompass genetic predispositions, fluctuations in specific neurotransmitter levels (such as serotonin and histamine), and irregularities in circadian rhythm regulation.

Pathogenic Mechanisms:

The genesis of cluster headaches is postulated to arise from the activation of the trigeminal nerve, responsible for transmitting sensation to the facial region and portions of the cranium. This engenders inflammation and dilation of blood vessels within the affected region, culminating in the pain and accompanying symptoms characteristic of the condition.


The quintessential symptom of cluster headaches is a profoundly agonizing, excruciating pain typically centered around or behind one eye, although it may also manifest within the temple, forehead, or cheek regions. Concurrent symptoms may encompass lacrimation, ocular redness or swelling, nasal congestion or discharge, perspiration, facial erythema, and agitation or restlessness. The pain tends to present in cyclical patterns, enduring for weeks or months, punctuated by periods of remission. The severity and challenge of effective treatment have earned cluster headaches the moniker “suicide headaches.”

Potential Interventions:

  1. Biofeedback: Employs technological assistance to enable individuals to modulate their physiological response to stressors, thereby mitigating headache pain.
  2. Aromatherapy: Utilization of essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint, in a diffuser to facilitate relaxation and alleviate headache pain.
  3. Hydration: Maintaining optimal hydration levels to preclude headache incidence and attenuate cluster headache severity.
  4. Exercise: Regular physical activity to diminish stress and tension, which may act as cluster headache triggers.
  5. Rest: Ensuring sufficient rest and sleep is paramount for effective cluster headache management.
  6. Dietary modifications: Avoidance of trigger foods and adherence to a balanced, nutritious diet to avert cluster headaches.
  7. Herbal supplementation: Specific herbal supplements, including feverfew and butterbur, may aid in the prevention or amelioration of cluster headache severity.
  8. Vitamin supplementation: Ingestion of supplements, such as magnesium or vitamin B2, to potentially reduce the frequency and intensity of cluster headaches.
  9. Stress management techniques: Incorporation of stress management methodologies, including deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization, to mitigate the frequency and severity of cluster headaches.

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that involves using highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. There are several homeopathic remedies that may be recommended for cluster headaches, although there is limited scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. Here are 10 homeopathic remedies that are sometimes used for cluster headaches:

  1. Belladonna: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by severe pain, redness, and heat in the affected area. The person may also experience throbbing and pulsating pain that worsens with movement or noise.
  2. Spigelia: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are located on the left side of the head and are accompanied by shooting or stabbing pain. The pain may be triggered or worsened by light, noise, or movement.
  3. Sanguinaria: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are located on the right side of the head and are accompanied by a burning or throbbing pain. The person may also experience nausea and vomiting.
  4. Kali bichromicum: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are located around the eye or temple and are accompanied by a sharp, stabbing pain. The pain may be worse at night or in the early morning.
  5. Natrum muriaticum: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by a feeling of pressure or tightness in the head. The person may also experience a dull, aching pain that worsens with movement or light.
  6. Bryonia: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the head. The person may also experience a dull, throbbing pain that worsens with movement or coughing.
  7. Gelsemium: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness or dullness in the head. The person may also experience a throbbing pain that worsens with movement or light.
  8. Ignatia: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by a feeling of pressure or tightness in the head. The person may also experience a dull, aching pain that worsens with emotion or stress.
  9. Pulsatilla: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by a feeling of pressure or fullness in the head. The person may also experience a throbbing or pulsating pain that is worse in the evening.
  10. Veratrum album: This remedy is often recommended for cluster headaches that are accompanied by a feeling of coldness or chills in the body. The person may also experience a dull, aching pain that is worse in the morning or after eating.

About Author:

Prof. Dr. Deepak Sharma

BHMS, MD, Ph.D. (Scholar)

Homeopathic Physician and Educator

Founder – Orbit Clinics

Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality https://kavithakhomeo.com/homeopathy-through-harmony-and-totality/ Thu, 23 Nov 2023 06:42:43 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6531 Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality Read More »



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  1. Objective analysis: Twenty points of data processing
  2. Acute prescribing: Challenges and Solutions
  3. Intercurrent prescribing (IP)
  4. Keynote prescribing: An overview
  5. Body language: Talking hands…
  6. Defense mechanism: A tool for data processing
  7. Failures in homeopathic practice: Causes and resolutions


Part I: General Section

  1. Monogram: From multitude to access
  2. Anekantavada and the study of Materia medica
  3. Inheritance, Constitution and Relationship of remedies

Part II: Individual Remedies

  • Natrum mur personality with differential remedies
  • Medorrhinum animalcule
  • Syphilinum: A forbidden fruit
  • Belladonna: The cheerful nightshade
  • Opium: The joy of life…
  • Hepar sulphuris calcareum: Keep the pot boiling…
  • Analytical study of Sepia through its ingredients
  • Helonias dioica: A Catwoman…
  • Comparison: Aconitum napellus, Belladonna and Arsenicum album
  • Uncommon remedies in clinical practice
  • Understanding the Trio: Pulsatilla-Silicea-Fluoric acid

Part III: Group Study of Materia Medica

  1. Argentums: Intrinsic but arbitrary…
  2. Mercurius international: Hip-hop dancing…
  3. Ferrums: Now comes the reign of Iron
  4. Carbons: Between living and dying…
  5. The rancorous and sulky Ammoniacums …
  6. Alkalines: Look at all the life on the earth…
  7. Magnesiums: The abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted…
  8. Solanaceae: Nightshade’s caprices…
  9. The Acidic Acids: The fuel and the fire…
  10. Insight into symbolic meaning of Snakes…
  11. Spiders: Mysterious yet fascinating…
  12. Milk remedies: We belong to life’s outcasts…
  13. Birds: The eyes of heaven…
  14. Nosodes: A powerful army of Homeopathy a) Unusual cases of Nosodes b) Comparative study of Nosodes
  15. Sarcodes a)Sarcodes: The list and the sources…b) Sarcodes: Resonating organ arsenal…


This homeopathic masterpiece of the second volume of “Harmony in Totality” by Dr Ajit Kulkarni is a magnificent guide towards the study of ‘Methods of Prescribing’ and ‘Homeopathic Materia medica’. The first volume was a compendium of philosophy, thoughts, discussions, instructions, basic ideas of dispositions and personality, the study of emotions and clinical tips to benefit our clinical practice.

Each specimen is a Master piece and I am sure every reader will get ample knowledge of practical value.

The second part is all about the beauty of Homeopathic Materia medica. Dr Kulkarni’s exposition is profound and extensive, offering numerous ideas, concepts, clinical tips, and instructions.

In sub-part I, Dr Kulkarni begins with the magnificent Monogram, which is the DNA of every remedy, the codes which describe the mode of action (MoA) of the remedies, the natural way of actuality of the remedies. I find the monogram as the most important contribution to the study of remedies of our generation. This method brings homeopathy back to the talk with science, nature, and art.

Sub-part II comprises ten lectures of out-of-the-box perspectives and in-depth analyses of the personalities and modus operandi of some well-known polycrest and small remedies.

Sub-part III, the focus is on families and groups of remedies. As a follower of the great Dr E. Farrington, I feel privileged to study Dr Kulkarni’s teachings. The striking resemblance between their broad perspectives cannot be overlooked. As far as I understand Dr Kulkarni’s new book, it profoundly delves into one of the most important works in our profession- the big “How” of Materia medica study.

Homeopathy in the 21st century is going through both positive and negative changes. More and more methods are born, invented or established while basic laws of cure are sometimes side-lined or ignored. The harmony between Art and Science appears to be fading due to the distractions and distortions caused by an overemphasis on the artistic aspect.

It is imperative for all of us, who serve as standard-bearers of Homeopathy, to remember that the true utilization of the Art relies on a solid scientific foundation, free from unfounded assumptions, empty theories, speculations, and unproven subjective views.

This book stands true to its title, “(understanding the) Harmony in Totality”.

A book like “Harmony in Totality” is a Gemstone of simplicity and sincerity and I regard it as a “must-read and apply” resource. It doesn’t matter whether your daily work with Kulkarni’s “Absolute Materia Medica”, Kent’s, Farrington’s, Hahnemann’s Pura or any other Materia medica, studying Dr Kulkarni’s writings will undoubtedly enhance your understanding and practice.

Guy Tydor

Classical Homeopath RCHom


Dr. Ajit Kulkarni’s chapter on ‘Objective Analysis: Twenty Points of Data Processing A Blue Print to use Homoeopathic Philosophy and Organon into Clinical Practice’ stands as a significant scientific contribution. In a medical landscape where evidence-based medicine is emphasized both in mainstream and homeopathic research, this work bridges the gap and presents a blueprint for integrating homoeopathic philosophy and Organon into clinical practice in a systematic and objective manner.

The author’s invaluable contribution of four modules for ‘Acute Prescribing’ deserves appreciation as it serves as a guiding light for every homeopath to enable him to navigate through challenging acute situations in practice.

The second volume also features a practical chapter authored by Dr Alexander Martiushev, which delves into the ‘Tool of defense mechanisms’ for the purpose of data processing. This chapter offers valuable insights that can significantly aid in the psychoanalysis of patients from a homeopathic standpoint. By understanding the defense mechanisms employed by individuals, homeopathic practitioners can gain a deeper comprehension of the patient’s mental and emotional state, facilitating more effective and targeted remedies. Dr. Martiushev’s contribution undoubtedly enhances the integration of psychoanalysis within homeopathy, making this volume an indispensable resource for homeopaths seeking to provide holistic and personalized treatment to their patients.

Dr Ajit provides his insights of ‘Group study of Materia medica’ and ‘Individual remedies’, presenting a valuable source that merits earnest consideration and implementation. Overall, Dr Ajit’s pioneering work in Materia medica embodies the continuous evolution and refinement of homeopathic practice, paving the way for more profound and effective healing methodologies. Certainly, an in-depth exploration of the chapters on the ‘Keynote system of prescribing’ and the ‘Multi-dimensional study of mental rubrics’ in the third volume vividly demonstrates how Dr Ajit has significantly broadened the concept of homeopathy.

The chapter ‘Monogram: From multitude to access’, is an important contribution to understanding the core of the remedy. The monogram connects the essentials and delineates the portrait of a remedy in a synthetic manner and makes the study of a remedy comprehensive.

Dr R.N. Wahi

Senior homeopathic physician Chairman, Organizing Committee, South Delhi Homeopathic Association, New Delhi


  • Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune
  • A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher
  • Co-Author: Absolute Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma
  • Author: The Law of Similars in Medical Science Homeopathic Posology
  • Kali Family and its Relations Body Language and Homeopathy
  • Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality: Three Volumes Homeopathic Covidoscope (Published by Amazon)
  • More than 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy Numerous articles and books translated into multiple languages 26 books in Russian language
  • ‘Excellence Award’
  • Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy’
  • Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna’
  • ‘Life Achievement Award’
  • ‘Dr B. Sahni Memorial Award 2020’
  • Member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai
A Case of Large Nasal and Maxillary Polyp https://kavithakhomeo.com/a-case-of-large-nasal-and-maxillary-polyp/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 16:49:19 +0000 https://kavithakhomeo.com/?p=6527 A Case of Large Nasal and Maxillary Polyp Read More »

This is copyrighted to Dr Rajneesh Kumar Sharma

Patient’s name

Mohammad Sohail


M- 25 Yrs.

Presenting Complaints
  • Sensation of blockage of nose.
  • Bloody purulent post nasal discharge.
  • Painful fullness of face and nasal root extending to frontal eminence, malar bones and maxillae.
  • Headache of catarrhal nature. < stooping.
  • Nasal polypus easily bleeding.
  • Desiring salt+++
  • Thirst +++ for cold water.
  • Rhinolalia
  • Sweetish taste.

Radar licence : 12350 – Date : 04/10/2005 Sohail

Combined analysis

This analysis contains 4 remedies and 32 symptoms.

11HEAD– PAIN– catarrhal   71
21HEAD– PAIN– Forehead,in  274
31HEAD– PAIN– Forehead,in– stooping– from82
41HEAD– PAIN– Forehead,in– eminence, frontal –catarrhal1
51HEAD– PAIN on– Forehead,in– eminence, frontal –stooping,  1
61HEAD– PAIN– Forehead,in– nose; above root of 57
71NOSE– CATARRH – extendingto –frontalsinuses20
81NOSE– CATARRH – Postnasal   81
91NOSE– DISCHARGE – bloody   132
101NOSE– DISCHARGE – purulent102
111NOSE– DISCHARGE – yellowish-green39
121NOSE– DISCHARGE – Posterior nares82
131NOSE– FULLNESS, sense of – Root11
141NOSE– PAIN – extending to – eyes2
151NOSE– PAIN – extending to – forehead7
161NOSE– PAIN – extending to – head3
171NOSE– PAIN – extending to – malar bone3
181NOSE– PAIN – Root59
191FACE– PAIN – stooping agg.12
201FACE– PAIN – Bones30
211FACE– PAIN – Cheek36
221FACE – PAIN – Jaw – upper jaw   23
231FACE – PAIN – Malar bones   16
241FACE – PAIN – Zygoma   16
251MOUTH – TASTE – sweetish   105
261LARYNX AND TRACHEA – VOICE – nasal   40
271FEVER – CATARRHAL fever   22
283NOSE – POLYPUS   44
291NOSE – POLYPUS – right   2
302NOSE – POLYPUS – bleeds easily   4
312GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – salt– desire  55
321GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – colddrink, coldwater 
  desire   140


Phosphorus was compared with Calcarea, Thuja and Calc Phos. After careful study of Materia medica, Phosphorus was prescribed in 200 potency at weekly interval.


Marked reduction in Polyp size within one month, easily visible by face.

About Author

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma

BSc, BHMS, MD (Homoeopathy), DI (Hom) London, hMD (UK) etc.
