
Exploring the action of Tuberculinum Bovinum in Autism A Randomized controlled trial by Dr Deepa Rajenimbalkar

Please use this link for citation http://hdl.handle.net/10603/555635 Title of the Thesis Exploring the action of Tuberculinum Bovinum in Autism A Randomized controlled trial Name of the Researcher R.W.Deepa Name of the Guide Choudhary Prasoon Completed Year 2023 Name of the Department pediatrics Name of the University Homoeopathy University Created and maintained by INFLIBNET Centre   Autism […]

Exploring the action of Tuberculinum Bovinum in Autism A Randomized controlled trial by Dr Deepa Rajenimbalkar Read More »


DEFINITION OF HYPERTENSION      Hypertension is the medical name for high blood pressure. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF HYPERTENSION                                             Blood exerts pressure. That fact was first discovered by the English physician William Harvey (1578–1657) in the 1600s. Until nearly a century later, no one actually tried to measure blood pressure. The English clergyman and physiologist Stephen Hales devised


Homoeopathy in Covid 19 Sequelae: A Case of Telogen Effluvium

Published in Advancements in Homeopathic Research, Vol. 9 No.1, February 2024-April 2024, Date of Publication 2024/02/01, Pages no. 47-50 ISSN : 2456-3668 (Print) // EISSN : 2583-5661 (Online) DOI : 10.48165/ahr.2024.9.1.7 AbstractHair loss is one of the most prevalent complaints in patients shortly after being infected with Covid-19, reported more commonly in women. The most

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A Case of Appendicitis in a young girl treated by Homoeopathy

Keywords: Homoeopathy, Appendicitis, Junk food. AbstractAppendicitis is an inflamed appendix. Appendix is a small, tubular pouch, about the size of a finger, that protrudes from the lower right end of your large intestine. Poop (feces) moving through your large intestine can block or infect your appendix, leading to inflammation.Chronic appendicitis is a rare condition that

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Ablutophobia (fear of bathing) and Homoeopathy

Definition Ablutophobia is a relatively uncommon but serious situational specific phobia, characterized by extreme and irrational, persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning, that appears to be more prevalent in women and children. (Psora) Etymology Latin- ablutere’ to wash off and phobos’ means fear. Etiology There is evidence for a familial pattern

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Cluster Headaches: Etiology, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, and Homeopathic Treatment

©Dr Deepak Sharma Abstract: Cluster headaches are a debilitating type of primary headache characterized by cyclical patterns of acute, one-sided pain, often centered around the eye. The exact cause remains unknown, but the hypothalamus, genetic predispositions, neurotransmitter fluctuations, and circadian rhythm irregularities may be involved. The pathogenic mechanism is thought to involve the activation of

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Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality

VOLUME II MAJOR WRITINGS OF Dr AJIT KULKARNI GENERAL INFORMATION Published by: B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi Explore The Contemplative Thinking Whether you are an experienced physician of homeopathy or just beginning your journey, this contemplative masterpiece, offered by a seasoned and classical homeopath, is your definitive guide. The Enlightening Work Author explores the depths

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