
Cheryl, Michigan, USA

Thank you for continuing to provide the world with important and timely informative lectures on the topic of homeopathy, I am grateful for all supporter and co-ordinators for hosting myself on the topic of glyphosate toxicity. Check out recording about glyphosate toxcity here

Kate Birch RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT Michigan, USA

I have been extraordinarily happy with the treatment I received from Kavitha Kukunoor – both with the improvement of my symptoms, and with her professionalism and skill in assessing my condition and choosing the right remedy. I approached Kavitha initially for help with anxiety. I had struggled with these symptoms for several years, however a combination of homeopathic remedy helped, but not consistently or deeply enough. Having had some success with homeopathy, but wishing for a deeper and more lasting effect, I contacted Ms. Kukunoor.
I was impressed by the way she seemed aware of current advances in the field of homeopathy, and how she used this knowledge to boost my immune system and that can address the root cause of my current illness. The first remedy she supplied me with seemed to be a perfect fit, and I soon saw improvements. I slowly began to rest better, to sleep more deeply and to have a better appetite; along with a gradual but noticeable decrease in my anxiety and an increase in my vitality and energy. Finally, as I saw my anxiety decrease, I also began to realize that many other issues I had been having began to improve, and my overall physical and emotional/mental health began to improve. Even some long-standing and, I thought, intractable symptoms began to see some improvement, which was an unexpected benefit.
I would gladly recommend both homeopathy in general, and Kavitha Kukunoor in specific, to anyone seeking a deeper and more lasting remedy to their physical or mental/emotional issues.

Dr. Rajan Sankaran
Dr. Kavitha has stepped forward to fulfill her best friend Debby’s dream and her legacy.
I appreciate all the inspiring & good work being done by Kavitha.
“Source of Stress and what to do with it”.
Click here to watch the webinar.
Dr Rajan Sankaran (MD)

Received Presidential 2020 award upon 10yr probono excellent service rendered to Homeopathic Community
Tribute to dearest Debby on her 2nd year passing away – May 5th 2020

Received Martha Oelman Community Services award for Debby Bruck at JAHC 2018 Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
Dr. Shachindra Joshi
Dr Divya Chhabra, MD Homeopath (India)
Best wishes
Dr Pawan Pareek, MD Homeopath (India)
NCH - President
Dr Rajneesh Kumar Sharma, MD (Homeopathy) -India
With love, Regina Rianelli, Doctoral student, University Professor and Homeopath. - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA) - USA
Past NCH President
Samantha Conboy,
CHC President (USA)
Disclaimer: Kavitha Kukunoor is only a professional, registered and certified homeopathic practitioner and NOT a licensed medical provider in USA. The information and services she provides is for educational purposes only and not meant to treat or diagnose or prescribe. For Privacy reason client last names are omitted in testimonials.