An obstinate case of Autism treated with bird remedy.

A mother consulted me for her 2 and half year’s son. He was a diagnosed case of Autism and ADHD.

Mother said-

He born 3-4 weeks early. Premature. I suffered from bleeding hence LSCS was performed. His birth weight was 3 kgs. Pediatrician said his development will be sluggish. I couldn’t breast fed him due to lack of milk. Dentition and walking was normal for the age. He has speech issues, can utter the word papa but doesn’t understand the relation. For him ‘papa’ is just a word. He doesn’t call me mom, points finger to an object if he wants it but couldn’t speak. Till the age of 18 months, he was able to talk, gradually lost his speech.

When he was 2 & 1/2 years old, relatives told me that he is not responding well, I thought he is deaf. If we call him by his name, Shaurya, he doesn’t respond. If I ask something interested to him, he answers, for ex. Sonu, do you want chocolate? He says yes. Once there was thunderstorm but he was absolutely fine and laughing. No fear at all. He doesn’t understand the risk factor. He is restless, cannot sit at one place and does not sleep. Jumps 1000-2000 times/day

He jumps in bed for hours! He wants us to watch and clap/ cheer for him. Wants open places. Hurts people by throwing things. He is comfortable only with gents not with ladies. Doesn’t respond if we call him. Cannot express if needs anything, cannot talk about pee, if I ask him, he says yes but will never tell by himself. Passes stool in panty, cannot unbutton the pant.

He becomes destructive if things go against his wish, tears paper. He broke TV set.

If his sister comes to me, he bites her.

He feels that – Its ONLY MY mother!

Sleep Restless! Constant moving in bed. He sucks thumb as soon as sees blanket. Sometimes put blanket on his sister’s body and sleeps on that.

He is irritable. Banging head on floor at any contradiction, crying for hours, likes spicy food. Loves to play in water even watering the plants in garden.

Stool occasionally hard.

Excessive Thirst. He may drink small or large quantity, drinks even during sleep.

His Vertex and forehead sweats a lot. His neck wet when he wakes up.

Family history-

Elder sister- Normal

Father- Introverted, talking to himself, lack of confidence

H/o mother during pregnancy

She said – My first daughter was a big trouble hence I was not ready for the second child. Family wanted it badly; they compelled me to be pregnant. It was like Dracula sitting on my neck all the time; ultimately, I surrendered and kept pregnancy. For me it was like a blind jump in a well. I feel to give birth is not enough. Anybody can do this but to raise child well is important. We should physically and mentally fit for this. I was diagnosed with thyroids during this pregnancy and I tented to do absurd things like I watched the ghost movies, porn movies and sex videos. Never did this before.

I was disappointed with the birth of son. I wanted a daughter. I hate boys. I feel boys are not good. After marriage, when I came to know about my husband’s bizarre behavior, his real age and real job which they hid from us, I felt hurt, betrayed. It was shameful.

Continue reading at An autism case


Dr. Kavita Chandak,  India


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